Best borknagar album

Borknagar- Borknagar is really my favorite. The atmosphere on that album is spectacular, I can't get enough of it!!! It is the most "black metal" of all of them, and a little more simplistic than the others, but probably my favorite.
Empiricism and The Archial Cource (don't know how you write that too) I like the clean vocal parts most so... Quintessence rules too but I think that if you have such a great singer as Vortex that you have to let more clean parts in the music... my opinion..
Well, i like the first album most. Like s.o. said before the atmosphere there is unbelievable, it has that special raw feeling and production you'll never find in today's releases.

Beside that I like Empiricism most.
I think they are all good in their own respects and thats why i've bought them all! But the one i play most would probably be Empricism

Edit: good?....haha....they all RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!! FREAKIN' AWSOME!
Every album is a masterpiece, a timeless classic. You need them all to live a healthy life. The images that this music creates are so incredible.... My life got better after I discovered Borknagar.
Originally posted by henrikmain
Every album is a masterpiece, a timeless classic. You need them all to live a healthy life. The images that this music creates are so incredible.... My life got better after I discovered Borknagar.
Mine too!:D
Empiricism and Quintessence... the other ones still have quite a lot good songs, but those two are real masterpieces, i like simply every track...
I can't separate "The Archaic Course", "Quintessence" and "Empiricism". All three are stunning albums, and each have a different feel. To say one is "better" than the others just doesn't work. They're all different, and all equally good. For personal preference, I do think that all 3 are better than the earlier albums, though. Others disagree. The only way to tell is to listen to them yourself, and make up your own mind.
word to everything said by henrikmain... i wholeheartedly agree.
i discovered the archaic course while driving into an icestorm through the mountains of virginia and tennessee, and it was sublime. everything i had ever been searching for in music was layed out before me, an absolute revolution in my perception of metal.