What Borknagar album should I get First??


New Metal Member
Nov 14, 2003
Perth, Australia
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Hey everyone,
I (of course) absloutely love Simen's voice in Dimmu Borgir, and I am aware that Borknagar has(had) him as a singer for a few albums. I want to get into Borknagar and therefore I'd like to know the best album to start off with, bearing in mind I'd like to hear one with Simen in first and then work through the whole collection :D

I also wondered what Borknagar means as i do not know any nordic.

well I think the Archaic course and quintessence are the onyl two with simon on vox, I would go for quintessence personally as I think it is one of there best, however many people claim the archaic course is better, but I disagree, quintessence is mystical as fuck
Call me old-fashioned, but I like Borknagar the best. I haven't heard all of The Olden Domain, but I own the other four and am happy with them all (workin' on it.) They all have their moments (The Black Token, Grimskalle Trell, The Genuine Pulse, The Eye of Oden, Colossus, for example.) If you like grim/raw black metal, start with Borknagar. Otherwise, start at the other end (Empiricism or Quintessence.)

Vortex is only on Quintessence and The Archaic Course.
Don't ask, just buy.. :Smug:

As far as I've heard, the word "borknagar" would stand for "birches" in ancient norwegian, but here @ the university I have NOT found it in dictionaries for norrøn.. Måske på urgermansk eller noget..?
read an interview a while back, and their name was brought up. They said it means nothing, it just sounded cool, like a name of a Viking warrior or something.