Best Cannibal Corpse album?

In fact you gotta hand it to Cannibal Corpse. Whilst other longtime bands out there have developed a reputation for not releasing either a poor album, or an album that clearly cashes in on current trends, Cannibal Corpse are a band truly deserving of this reputation more than any other. They've always pumped out solid DM in the Cannibal Corpse style, never succumbed to shitty trend hopping, yet at the same time each of their albums offers something new and reinvents the wheel just a little bit every time.
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I'd say Bloodthirst as far as an overall well rounded album, every song is at least good if not very good. The average level of death metal quality is high from track 1 to the last. It's tidy, not too long or short, consistent, inspired... just right.
Ironically, the best individual Cannibal songs are found on other albums: From Skin to Liquid (Gallery), Frantic Disembowelment (Wretched), Murder Worship (Kill)...

I'd add people calling the older albums the best ones are obviously more interested in the mystique of the music, not the music (itself). A song off 'Eaten' vs a song off any of the later established-period albums is a joke musically. It sounds like a child writing what he thinks is a death metal song in his shallow little mind, VS veteran warrior-composers' wisely crafted song-writing gold. There's like at minimum one tier if not two or three separating the two kinds. Alex Webster himself alludes to this multiple times in intvws, which is anything but surprising.
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I'd add people calling the older albums the best ones are obviously more interested in the mystique of the music, not the music (itself). A song off 'Eaten' vs a song off any of the later established-period albums is a joke musically. It sounds like a child writing what he thinks is a death metal song in his shallow little mind, VS veteran warrior-composers' wisely crafted song-writing gold.

Weird way to describe the band's early output considering they were pushing the boundaries of death metal brutality and setting trends that bands would follow for years to come.

Also this implies that people listen to music to hear technical playing and while that's definitely a draw for many people, making it a dichotomy is a little much. Cannibal Corpse became much more skilled, direct and focused after The Bleeding and overall really streamlined their sound, I don't think preferring the Barnes era stuff has much to do with mystique, it's more likely that the unrestrained brutality of the material appeals to a certain kind of death metal fan who doesn't prioritize clinical efficiency over "sloppy" unhinged death metal.
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Plus there's a section of CC fans who get off on the graphic lyricism. Admittedly Barnes was the best in this regard. Personally I listen to the band for their musicianship, they upped their game immensely from The Bleeding onwards.
I'd say Bloodthirst as far as an overall well rounded album, every song is at least good if not very good. The average level of death metal quality is high from track 1 to the last. It's tidy, not too long or short, consistent, inspired... just right.
Ironically, the best individual Cannibal songs are found on other albums: From Skin to Liquid (Gallery), Frantic Disembowelment (Wretched), Murder Worship (Kill)...

I'd add people calling the older albums the best ones are obviously more interested in the mystique of the music, not the music (itself). A song off 'Eaten' vs a song off any of the later established-period albums is a joke musically. It sounds like a child writing what he thinks is a death metal song in his shallow little mind, VS veteran warrior-composers' wisely crafted song-writing gold. There's like at minimum one tier if not two or three separating the two kinds. Alex Webster himself alludes to this multiple times in intvws, which is anything but surprising.

one of the stupidest posts ive ever read on this forum

Any song off say Vile pales in comparison to what they were doing earlier. That being said some of their later albums are pretty good(especially Kill). But again, what a ridiculous post on so many different levels.
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I think Devoured by Vermin, Relentless Beating & Absolute Hatred are all really solid tracks. Vile is pretty solid IMO.
Not even quite sure what's being disputed here. Are you saying it's stupid to say that Cannibal Corpse played more technically and efficiently on their later albums than on their earlier albums?

Tell me the different levels of ridiculousness that my post demonstrates.

i just realized that i had quoted CIG in my post. Clearly i was talking about this bruticus omnicus guy

Oh okay.