Best Clean Vocalist

Originally posted by abrasiverock
If we are talking about range and power with clean vocals, the power metal vocalsits have it hands down.

I disagree :p The typical power metal vocalist has a tiny range - they just sing high, and because of that (to me) the vocals hold no power at all.. It just sounds like someone squeeking..

No, I consider singers like Chris Isaac to have such voices -it's rich and sonorous. Even when he sings high there's real power behind it, and his range is huge! He can sing a hell of a lot higher than any power metal vocalist (almost beating King Diamond at times ;) ) and easily lower than people like Peter Steel of ToN...

But he's not metal, so hey :)
I'd have to say Coby Dick or the weird Chinese dude from Linkin Park.
I'd pay money to sit in an empty parking lot,touching myself while he says "Yo!" repeatedly and talks candidly from the heart.
matt barlow hands down!! the man can sing what can i say. alive in athens was the first i picked up by them, and i almost fell out of my chair when i heard his vocals. mike from opeth is a distant second, but thats not to say that he isnt amazing as well. both extraordinarily talented dudes.
Originally posted by Russell

... (almost beating King Diamond at times ;) ) ...
But he's not metal, so hey :)

King Diamond: clean, clear, high-pitch...

Well, risking to get tons of boos and the usual comments about Zebra and Randy's voice but hey, ok:

How about Randy Jackson of Zebra (if anyone knows Zebra at all anyway?): clean, clear, high-pitch...

The first link underneath my signature is Zebra's latest track.

But Zebra aren't Metal either, just Rock, so...
Originally posted by Lady Of The Snow

King Diamond: clean, clear, high-pitch...

Well, risking to get tons of boos and the usual comments about Zebra and Randy's voice but hey, ok:

How about Randy Jackson of Zebra (if anyone knows Zebra at all anyway?): clean, clear, high-pitch...

The first link underneath my signature is Zebra's latest track.

But Zebra aren't Metal either, just Rock, so...

I've always liked Zebra. "Who's Behind the Door?" is a great Zeppish exotic ballad. That "Arabian Dreams" isn't so bad either.
Originally posted by Lady Of The Snow
King Diamond: clean, clear, high-pitch...

Chris Isaac: clean, clear and higher pitched than King Diamond..

But he's a country (rockabilly siner) singer hence me not suggesting him immediately. And unlike king diamond he can also sing very tunefully, and very low, beneath the break in his voice, which K.D. can't.. Or never does :) Just thought I'd point that out ;)