Best DAW


New Metal Member
Apr 30, 2010
I'm wondering what DAW I should purchase. I'm new to recording, and all I have used so far is Garageband lol. My goal in recording is to make high-quality demos for my band. I want a program that has a good sequencer for drum programming and works well with plug-ins. Thanks a lot for any tips.
everyone being like that because recentley there has been lot of noob questions do some reading use the search bar, thats what it is there for.

Choosing a DAW is what you feel works best for you, try demo's then try the LE version of the demo you like the most.
Try Reaper first mate. It's good and a lot of guys around here are using it for that reason... plus, it's cheap/almost free!
Logic will be the most familiar transition from GarageBand, it's the best choice if you already like GarageBand and it can import your GarageBand projects.

Cubase is my personal favorite, but Logic is a very close second, it's equally good really, just depends on how you like your workflow set up.
I'm a huge Cubase fan myself, but I wouldn't recommend it to someone just starting out unless you have a lot of time to spend figuring out how to do certain things. From what I've seen, Reaper looks very good.
Try Presonus Studio One. I'm quite liking it lately.

Just like the OP I'm new to recording and DAW software. After a lot of research I've decided to go with Studio One to try first. I just downloaded the demo, but haven't done more than launch it so far.