Running 2 separate computers for 1 DAW


Oct 31, 2005
Ok, I just replaced my old computer for a new Intel Core 2 Duo computer.....and was thinking about what to do with my old computer (duel core AMD).

I remember somebody talking about a program or something that would link 2 computers together to help run more plug-ins and stuff in your DAW (im using audition 2.0 w/ 2 Firepods).
I'm just wanting to get more info on this and how to setup if possible?:kickass:
Ok, I just replaced my old computer for a new Intel Core 2 Duo computer.....and was thinking about what to do with my old computer (duel core AMD).

I remember somebody talking about a program or something that would link 2 computers together to help run more plug-ins and stuff in your DAW (im using audition 2.0 w/ 2 Firepods).
I'm just wanting to get more info on this and how to setup if possible?:kickass:

It was me, its a vst networking app called F/X Teleport it allows you to set one machine as a host and another as a slave. You just make sure you have the same plugins installed on both machines install f/x teleport on each machine and specify wich machine is the master and wich is the slave and thats pretty much it, When go to insert a plugin on your host machine you can choose local or lan vst. it kiks major ballz:rock:

of course you have to have your machines connected via network