Best DT ballad?

You were just talking out of your ass when you called nether novas patchwork you have no real logical reason to say it, so your opinions, ALL your opinions from now on are completly invalid and bullshit to me and i wont even read em.
If it counts as a ballad, I've got to go with "Lethe". Also, I much prefer this song on album than live; the intro just seems more emotional and stark on the guitar than on piano.
Hey, take it easy. :) But yeah, I think I could be more specific. When someone says the word "ballad" and its connected with a metal band, the first thing that comes to my mind are those cheesy speed and power metal ballads. But then, in general, I would say the only thing that makes a song a ballad in my eyes is the fact that its slower (or slow) and a bit melancholy (with the exception of all doom metal songs, of course :) ). Nether Novas is slow at the beginning, but then it gets faster and the double kick drum finale is pure fucking bliss, but its not "balladic" anymore, you get me? Lethe and Alone are heavy as fuck, too, but they remain in that slower and melancholy mood to the end.
It doesnt goes THAT fast at the end but whatever, people just keep making dumb excuses to arbitrary name their favorite song ballad so fuck you all my favorite dt ballad is punish my heaven, if anyone says anything at all i will iniciate a lenghty and pointless note by note musical dissection because thats my concept of ballad.
Yes punish my heaven. The song has a very mellow and powerfull ending which is full of sentiment. It might not seem "slow" if you take a metronome to it but when compared to the frantic pace of the rest of the song its very slow.

In fact the entire song is build around this slow mellow breakdown: The song opens with a fast frantic melody designed to exite you and get your atention, then the song proceeds to do a series of elaborate really fast riffs that keep building tension. But as you might know the best way to build tension is not to try to push the listener as fast as you can, its better to adquire momentum so the song slow downs on its chorus. Immediatly after this chorus the song abruptively ends to create an anticlimatic touch that grabs your atention and resumes the incredible stream of frantic melodies and harmonies flying chaotically through your speakers, then we hear a small fast guitar melody followed by a very emotive chorus acompanied with contrasting levels of guitar melody harmonizing each other with the frase "if i had wings would i be forgiving? If i had horns, would there be flames to shy my smile!!"

The song repeats this powerfull theme again using the pull and release approach to building tension on a song, then it slows down to present is chorus again with an incredible smart touch of irony screamed in the lyrics creating an "anti chorus" luring us into a false sense of security when we know things will go wrong, which prepares you to whats comming when the song finally slows down, we hear this incredible dramatic voice that shines through the song thanks to the very smart use of clean vocals.

So now we are on the main part of the song, it shows us the lead guitar playing carefully crafted melodies more interested in transmiting a sorrow feeling instead of creating ambient and tension like on the previous part of the song because this is the main part of the song, we continue to hear the song and now we arrive at what is the main part of the plot on the lyrics when the end unfolds infront his eyes, they proceed to show you the emotional impact of this tragic events like every good drama taking its time to carefully craft this special moment of deep sadness and emotion that lies on top of the skin until we reach its climax and the song ends.

So this song is dark tranquillity making the ultimate ballad, they slowly build up and create a lenghty intro which plays like a minisong just so the main part of the song, the mellow part, is more easily appreciated and more valued giving a much better climax than any of your typical boring ballads which just start in the middle of the story all sad and slow.
@marduk1507: Well i sucessfully prove you that i can sumon forth bullshit better than all of you put togheter and i can even sound convincing while i do it, doesnt means any of what i wrote on my previous post makes any sense whatsoever, it means words can be used to throw bullshit around and music is so subjective you could perceive any song as a ballad, just as easily as you can discredit any song as a ballad and thats what pisses me off people saying "your song is not a ballad but mine is" is fucking stupid so take your own fucking advice since im not buying any of your bullshit either.
Well, the first part of my previous post was meant seriously, I liked what you wrote, cause I perceive "punish my heaven" the same way. I just woudnt call it a ballad. I guess I could do without the second part, it wasnt meant as advice or anything. I also agree that it would be fair if everyone justified their choice the way you did, we wouldve avoided quite a lot of confusion and maybe you woudve been pissed off much less. But people here probably dont feel like writing essays about their favourite DT ballad (no offense) and Im too fucking lazy either. Sorry.
@Delirious: it would be interesting to see how you would vote in this round of the survivor poll. :)
Siren said:
@Delirious: it would be interesting to see how you would vote in this round of the survivor poll. :)

i'm not 100% sure yet, but don't count on it being to your favour. ;)
hours passed is imo possibly the best song on damage done.