best environment for black metal is a cool foggy morning.

whatever it is, i haven't been in this environment lately! hopefully as winter starts to creep back i'll feel like listening to it again, or i've spent a lot of money on music that's gonna be lyin' around gathering dust!
i was driving to work while listening to enslaved and it was foggy and i said OMG THIS FUCKING RULES.

hence, thread.
I tend to disagree because black metal is after-sunset music. I can't really empathize with a screwed up production and raven-like shrieks as long as anything close to daylight fills the room.
oh god the mantle. it cooled down a few weeks ago and i got to listen to them shitz for the first time since last year.

LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE that album. unnnnnnnnnghhhhh.........
god damn nad said:
oh god the mantle. it cooled down a few weeks ago and i got to listen to them shitz for the first time since last year.

LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE that album. unnnnnnnnnghhhhh.........

Have you ever brought it on your fabled desert trips? (meant in both senses of the word, of course.) It should be illegal to listen to that album without headphones during summer or before nightfall...
dude, the mantle works fine on a clear winter day with snow all over the place and stuff, i have good memories of listening to it while walking around on the way to the bus and stuff last winter.
Totally fucking agree. I visited family in Oklahoma not too long ago, who just so happened to live out in the middle of the woods. Fucking beautiful yet grim in the morning. By morning I assume you mean the break of dawn.
black metal is best pretty much any time it isn't sunny and/or hot imo

and teh mantle is good any time of the year, but grey, rainy autumn afternoons are the best