Best Heathen Metal of 2006


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002


While it's very good, I'm not sure what to make of the new Negura Bunget. Of course, the knee jerk reaction is to cream all over it, but I'm not sure if I like this more than their last 3 albums. Anyone agree/disagree? (aside from lurch) :loco:

EDIT: Heathen = black, pagan, viking, etc.
fuckdamn, the only one i own is Agalloch and i don't even like it too much

talk about progressing conveniently towards everything that's popular right now
I really enjoyed Belenos - Chants de Bataille. Enslaved - RUUN and Kampfar - Kvass are also good albums, but I'm unsure if they can be labelled as "heathen".
As of yet I'm not sure what to make of OM nor Ashes, and those I belive are the only "heathen" metal records I've come across this year.
But as usual, I haven't heard many of this years crop. But of the two I think OM has most potential, its sheer ambition and mood is overwhelming.
I'm checking out a cool black metal album from 2006 right now...

Wolven Ancestry "The Wrath of Gaia"

And they're from Sudbury, Ontario ... a few hours north of here!
I'm not gonna tell you guys because then it will get stained in Pink and start being 'Dude I don't care what they sing about or think or act like or believe in or what genre they are in fact I hate genres because they are dumb just like metalheads with their long hair and elitism and also you just don't get it.'