Top Metal Albums: 1st Quarter 2006 Reporting -- SEC filings & audit underway

Jk is like a chick that fucks with your head ... the ones that you don't know if she likes you or she is just leading you on for free tiramissu
Wrong way to compare two releases, and even by that i could easily use expressions as "better developed" "mature" "well crafted" to call many songs in it, objectivly better than "The Lady Wore Black". But your approach is just wrong.
IOfTheStorm said:
Wrong way to compare two releases, and even by that i could easily use expressions as "better developed" "mature" "well crafted" to call many songs in it, objectivly better than "The Lady Wore Black". But your approach is just wrong.
I didn't say I was comparing releases. I merely asked a simple question. Rather than answer, you chose to filibuster.

regardless ... OMII gives these ears no pleasure or even remote entertainment value ... and that is what comes first
General Zod said:
I didn't say I was comparing releases. I merely asked a simple question. Rather than answer, you chose to filibuster.

If you did ask a simple question without any element of the "comparing releases" factor, you would not quote what i said about liking the new album more or less than some of the others. And again, i answered your question, if you think that i was just a "filibuster", it's your problem.
I don't understand all the "RUUN" hatin' that's going down around these here parts :mad: The first four tracks are ace, especially the title track, which has got to be one of the best Enslaved songs ever. So majestic! The second half of the album is also solid, although they go overboard with the proggy/experimental parts now and then. Still, I find this much less arts-fartsy than "Monumension" and the rather horrid "Below The Lights".