Top Metal Albums: 1st Quarter 2006 Reporting -- SEC filings & audit underway

Oh well this doesn't really say that this Slater guy wrote riffs/guitar melodies, vocal lines, or that generally he had an imput in composing the songs.. just that he was involved in them .. one way or another. I hope the bands make things clear in an interview.
I know..these songs are also the ones that remind the first Mindcrime's style more than the others too. Anyway this album is definetally a grower (what did you expect, it's a Queensryche album), i like it a lot now, and i will probably like it more after many listening sessions.
My favorite 2006 albums so far:

Pharaoh - The Longest Night
Amorphis - Eclipse
Drudkh - Blood In Our Wells

Good chance of making it:

Astral Doors - Astralism
Ihsahn - The Adversary
Vreid - Pitch Black Brigade
Jorn - The Duke
what I like so far:
Wolves In The Throne Room

what I need to give more listens:
In Flames (yes, In Flames)

what I need to hear, period:
Vanden Plas

what I'll probably never hear again:

lots still to come
Killer albums out:

Summoning - Oath Bound
Drudkh - Blood in Our Wells
Darkthrone - The Cult is Alive

Bland album that RC have already ejaculated over:

Wolves in the Throne Room - Diadem of Twelve Stars
Best so far this year:

Place of Skulls - The Black Is Never Far
Reino Ermitano - Brujas Del Mar
Valkyrie - Valkyrie
Pentagram - First Daze Here Too (although not technically a "new" release)

Looking forward to WAAAAYYY too many to rattle off...
IOfTheStorm said:
Dude i heard that Reino Ermitano album, while the music is pretty good..i am not really sure about these vocals..

Yeeah, the music rules. I agree the vocals can get annoying at times but not so much at other times. If their is any troubling factor, it si indeed the vocals on some of the songs. Of course, if there were better vocals on ALL the songs, it would fucking RULE COMPLETELY.
Hellveto - whatever it's called
more of the same from him. i like it, but needs lots more listens

Devin Townsend - Synchestra
Not Terria, or even close. Honestly, I expected more. Still good though

Drudkh - Blood in our wells
Dig it. Track 5 is cool.

Aeternus - Hexaeon
I dont mind this stuff. Sure it's not classic, but its enjoyable if you forget about their early stuff
JayKeeley said:
That said, I'll revisit Enslaved eventually.

I listened to RUUN again tonight. There is no doubt these guys are talented musicians but it just seems like they've run out of inspiration / ideas. It's difficult to explain, but even more so than Isa, the whole thing sounds so scripted, or rather, contrived.

The bottom line is, the album is simply boring. It's like they've fallen into no mans land, a mix between Borknagar and perhaps (dare I say it) new Opeth. The title track itself, "Ruun", could have been swept up from the Ghost Reveries cutting floor.

For those reasons, I have no doubt BW&BK etc will go nuts again for this release. I just wish it was more 'scathing' and spontaneous. Or maybe I'm just more in the mood for new Satyricon or Vreid.

P.S. Monumension is getting better with each listen, I knew it would.
Standout albums to date for 2006 (in no order):

Drudkh – Blood in Our Wells
Mogwai – Mr Beast
Tenhi – Maaäet
Summoning - Oath Bound

Albums on the Horizon:
Tool - 10.000 Days
Agalloch - Ashes Against the Grain
Cult of Luna - Somewhere Along the Highway
Deathspell Omega?
Negura Bunget?

Needs more listens
Wolves in the Throne Room – Diadem of 12 Stars
Poema Arcanvs – Telluric Manifesto

The Worst:
Enslaved - Ruun