Agalloch - Marrow of the Spirit
October Falls - A Collapse of Faith
I haven't listened to all of yet but Svartsot - Mulmets Viser was pretty great from what I heard.
Amazing album.did you hear SIG:AR:TYR - Godsaga? (similar sorta style)
I also really like Draugnim's newest release.
Again, write out the artists name and the album name if its not obvious from the cover being posted. Fucking hell...
really? I thought the new Heidovolk pwned the new Odroerir!SIG:AR:TYR and Odroerir
yea, a lot of people did. definitely gets an honorable mention. I just don't have the patience for that genre, but the last 5 minutes of "Oak and Aspen" were wicked. was very impressed with the pagan vocals.i liked gallowbraid