Best guitar solos?

toolsofthetrade said:
are you aiming for his inheritance or sumthin? :grin:

kidding ;)

Fuck, I'm outfunned... ;)
Seriously, I'm a HUGE Devy fan, everything he writes and wrote touch me deeply... the feeling(s) contained in the songs are unbelievable (rage, love, hate...) and he's the coolest man I've ever met... :rock:
i didnt know his a part of SYL .. and looks nice. what do u recommend to start listening with?
The first time I enjoyed a solo was Danny's one on Sentient. The ultimate feeling ! And that's what I'm looking for on a solo : feeling ! I don't care about technique. Mike Amott's soli in Carcass and even more in Spiritual Beggars are amazing too. Oh and the Kyuss soli are focken ace too, so rock N roll.
I also like U2's The Edge mini-soli and melodies. He has the sound and the sense of feeling too.

Slayer's soli are so lame :lol:
Dora said:
i didnt know his a part of SYL .. and looks nice. what do u recommend to start listening with?

hm, depends on what you like.

if yer into 'poppy' metal, i'd advise u to have a listen to Accellerated Evolution and Ocean Machine, however the latter is less 'commercial', if i may use that terminology.

if yer more into hard, loud and direct stuff i recommend SYL and Physicist.

the emotional Devin pops out on Terria, and is quite, yeah, down to earth.

Infinity is my personal favourite (OM is breathing down that neck quite heavily), coz it's quite bombastic, tho that can be said of all projects by Devin.

Punky Bruster is a crazy, punk-like project, which basically makes you laugh. it's a story about this Polish death metal band 'accidentally' turning into this punk band.

what else Thortyir?
cedarbreed said:
The first time I enjoyed a solo was Danny's one on Sentient. The ultimate feeling !

agreed. dunno abou the solo, but Sentient gives me the ultimate feeling as if your girlfriend just gave birth to your kid. i know, there's that baby crying in the background, but still :cry:

slash did amazing things. like as in november rain. cheers quentin :)
and like in double talkin jive, the acoustic solo at the end.
and danny's one on one last goodbye.

cedarbreed said:
And i'm not giving credit to a semi-french like

theres not a drop of french blood in me veins, but there might be a couple of sponk drops in yer bum :tickled: