Best guitar solos?

I don't find Slayer's solos very inventive thought.
Speaking of metal, one of the best soloist in term of creation is Nuno Bettencourt. The album extreme 2 is terrific, each solo is different from the othero_O
.... and Framboisier rocks:loco:. Best of all times
I'm amazed; G3 is back!
Lineup: Joe Satriani - Steve Vai - Yngwie Malmsteen:OMG:
It's the best G3 lineup ever!
I hope they will go together in Europe.
the thing is that these guitarists lack significantly on feeling. no way near angus or tony. or the great jimmy.
Lot of people say that. But I think it's a stereotype. Especially for Joe. I agree that Malmsteen can be too technique oriented. But Satriani and Vai are masters, both on the feeling and technical side. They make one with their guitars and play things that can't be said with words.
On the other hand, I think (I and know that by saying that lot of people will like to see me burn in hell) that guitarists like Michael Romeo or Timo Tolki are poseurs, pure technique without feeling. :Smokedev::devil:
The songs can be good, the guys are nice, but that's all.
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
slayers solo not inventive? theyre fucking unique, theyre like nothing else.

Look my shit is unique too. It doesn't look like yours, doesn"t smell like yours but still it's only mere shit.
yeah but i couldnt recognize your shit among 1500 other pieces of shit. i can recognize slayers solos.
Mariner said:
aah john, whadya mean with 'I buried G'nR' :(


well my first rock band was GnR and had all their stuff then I started listening to metal!!!, I was bored with all the comercial thing with GunsnR, so I went more to the underground, metal is underground in my country , even Cradle of Filth, nonmetal people dont know what is that sh*t neither anathema, antimatter, etc.....

ps. with all the mp3 around am downloading the greatest songs, most the soft/ballad ones (the comercial stuff really :ill: ) but for buying noooo, havent listened to spaguetti and dont give a sh*t what is axl gonna do now :cool:
ok for the spaghetti incident. and axl has no band anymore (again) thats what i heard from him

still g'nr are worth lots of attention, those 3 albums are superb. and g'nr lies is okay as well.
and slash is god.
Totally agree with you.
Lot of people only see GnR as a cover band (the greatest of all time), but listen to "Paradise City" or "Sweed CHild o Mine", it's unique!