Best guitar solos?

I not so much of a trivia person, but one day Jon Bon Jovi said that he wasn't a musician anymore, but a businessman, I can not relate to this attitude.
I remember them releasing "Cryin'", "Crazy" and "Amazing" as singles from "Get a grip". Not only do they record an album with 3 unbelievably simular and boring songs, they release them all as singles! And people bought it, still one of the greater mysteries of life to me. Liked the videos though.
Tiamat - (Prey) - Light In Extension

and in Love in Chains too.. some wah-wah, yeah.
yeah i like them, but instead of acoustic parts they shouldve broke down into reggae... :)

a mix of Death and Bob Marley is what i currently seek........:erk:

seriously though they are very good...