Best hardware: pickup suggestions?


New Metal Member
Jul 7, 2009
I build guitars on occasion. Ive built 2 electrics and a 12 string touch-style. Anyways, I'm working on one now and I'm deciding what kind of hardware I want to put in it. I decided that I'm putting an EMG 81 in my bridge position but beyond that I'm not sure what I want to do. I'm looking for versatility. This probably isnt the best place to ask but what is the best pickup for jazz that I can use in consort with my EMG. Im really into avant-garde death metal/grind and free form jazz. I love bands that fuse the too and thats pretty much what my music is like. I want a pickup that I can use for quick jazz licks and interludes whilst my EMG handles the heavy side of things. So does anyone have suggestions? Any suggestion is welcome whether it be for pickups or general hardware setup.
Not sure tbh, pickups aren't exactly my area of specialty. If you want a very bright sound, go with the 81. Also, check out Bare Knuckle pickups, they may have something of your liking.
I'd personally go with Seymour Duncans over EMGs. The Duncans always sound better and are about half the price. I recently had the same decision to make and went with the Duncan AHB-1 Blackouts over the 81/60 combo and I haven't been disappointed.
I've got EMG81s in my Jackson Kelly Star, Duncan JB and Jazz in the bridge and neck respectively on my Jackson Dinky and stock pickups on my Gibson Explorer. At the moment I'm using the Explorer as my main axe, the pickups are actualy fat, punchy and quite warm.

Honestly, I don't know why I have EMGs in my Jackson as I find the 81s to be shrill, thin sounding and way too bright. I much prefer the Duncans, and if I were you I'd go for the Duncans. The JB has just enough output to make the distortion to sound thick without sounding flabby and it has plenty of low end.

If you're really after active pickups, I'd say go for a Dimarzio X2N. Those things sound awesome.
I have a lower end Schecter, that had Schecter humbuckers. I replaced the original bridge humbucker with a Seymour Duncan Distortion humbucker. I like it so far.