Best Kiss Album?

I was a big Kiss fan years ago, then kinda renewed that kick when the reunion came on. To be perfectly honest, I can't stand them now (based largely on Gene's mouth and the way they are milking it). That said, at the end of the day, my favorite was probably ALIVE II.

Really, it's a shame that their strange broadway like production (same setlist, same banter, same everything) has cast such a shadow over what used to be such a good band. You didn't ask for all that, but I guess I wanted to say it for some reason.

Weird. Maybe I should be in therapy.
I, too, used to be a fan.

I thought they were really cool when I was a teen. However, in my view, their music hasn't aged well and simply failed to stand the test of time.
Sure, there are a handful of cool riffs (God of Thunder, Unholy), but overall, they offer little to the world of music.

If I were you, I'd probably either go for one of their 5 or so "Best Ofs", or simply forget about them altogether.
SoundMaster said:
I, too, used to be a fan.

I thought they were really cool when I was a teen. However, in my view, their music hasn't aged well and simply failed to stand the test of time.
Sure, there are a handful of cool riffs (God of Thunder, Unholy), but overall, they offer little to the world of music.

If I were you, I'd probably either go for one of their 5 or so "Best Ofs", or simply forget about them altogether.
I really used to love them, but you know? I was gonna say something along these lines myself. In the world of metal these days, it is probably just as well that you ignore Kiss altogether. Ha. Seriously.
My favorite KISS album is Music from the Elder. It was the one and only time they tried something progressive and it came out great. But that album doesn't truly reflect KISS's sound, because you probably wouldn't know it was KISS if you didn't have the cover in front of you (unless you recognized their voices).

Personally, I never cared for anything they did after they took their make-up off. They kind of pussed out after that, making pop rock. If you like your music heavy, steer for KISS Alive I and II or some of their 70s studio albums. Don't get Dynasty though, unless you also like disco.
Probably the most well-rounded album has got to be Rock and Roll Over. It's got good songs, a great production that treads the fine line between a clean and dirty sound. Also its one of the few albums that sees KISS acting as a band and doesn't rely (as much) on outside musicians, as they would later do more and more.
As far as getting "into" KISS if you're not familiar with them, I suggest getting the live albums Alive and Alive II since they include far better versions of the songs found on the studio albums.
YES! KISS and Van Halen are my top two favorite bands of all time. personal favorite KISS album is their first, self titled "KISS". You can't go wrong with that one. Second is "HOTTER THAN HELL" and then everything else they ever did. But my favorites are the first two albums, by far. ALIVE is good for a "greatest hits" and it has Rock and Roll All Night, so I'd recommend that to a new fan. If you don't like ALIVE, then you won't like KISS...
Fave studio albums:

Crazy Nights
Hot In The Shade
Lick It Up
Creatures Of The Night
Rock & Roll Over
Hotter Than Hell

I love the non-makeup stuff from the '80s the best... but I love it ALL really. I think Revenge is CRIMINALLY overrated. It is a great album but I don't think it is anywhere near as consistent start to finish as the '80s non-makeup albums and I also don't think the quality of the songwriting is any better on it - I think the only reason it is so revered is because the format & vibe of the album is more in tune with classic KISS (has a shared-vocals anthem, nasty Gene songs, etc) rather than an album of mainly just Paul Stanley led melodic hard rock like the '80s albums. But if you ask me I'll take an album of catchy Paul Stanley songs over a mixed bag of stuff like Revenge anyday... where are the great Paul songs on Revenge?? Tough Love, Heart of Chrome, I Just Wanna and Take It Off are the only ones really and they are nowhere near as good as his material on Crazy Nights, Asylum, Hot In The Shade & Animalize.

But "Alive!" to me captures vintage classic KISS at its best, the best live album of all time. And Rock & Roll Over is the best '70s KISS studio album for me... Destroyer is my least favourite. Rock & Roll Over captures what they were about for me - an album full of sleazy hard rock songs with probably the most energetic production out of all the '70s studio albums too.
KISS is a great band and I still love them to death. This would be my top 5...

1. Rock N Roll Over
2. Hotter Than Hell
3. Creatures of the Night
4. Love Gun
5. Psycho Circus
you want some kiss then first thing you should get is the Kiss eXposed dvd now that is what kiss is about

pauls workout tape - how to get the body you want and the woman it belongs to
great stuff
I'm dead on with Trixxi on this one. Though many of my favorite songs are "classic" Kiss, the quality of their releases (except live ones) were pretty suspect in the 70's. They frankly wrote some bad songs. Crazy Nights and Revenge are easily the best to me cover to cover.

I'm not so much into Destroyer. In the scope of KISS' whole career that album just isn't what the band's music is about to me, but because it became such a hit I think it has become what alot of people see KISS' music as being. Which is pompous anthems... but if you take the Destroyer & Psycho Circus albums out of their career they actually have very few songs like that left and most of their material is just guitar driven sex & sleaze hard rock.

And again I don't really understand how Revenge is a consistent album because to me there are way too many bad songs on it... and even Paul's songs are his weakest he had done since before the non-makeup era.