Area 54 - The Alm Inn, Bolton
The venue was far too far away, the band were horrendously late, and the headbanging space could be measured in inches.
But then they started to play.
It was like the reinvention of heavy metal that night, it was like Black Sabbath had just sat down and said "right let's turn this bastard up a few notches, it might sound alright."
There was no sound check. They guitars were plugged in, the bass was plugged in, Rob sat down at his kit, and Lakis turned on the microphone. And Area 54 proceeded to violently abuse me for the next 45 minutes. The sound was just so fucking raw, it was to some extent better than when their equipment is all tuned and tasty, because it had this dirty unprepared feel that just choked you to death with awesomeness. Then it all finished and I was left thinking holy fuck that was completely worth the wait! I've never seen them play faster or with more passion; they owed us a fantastic set and we sure as fuck got one!
And I've been waiting for a gig ever since! Apart from the charity all dayer at the rock bar, but the sound was almost unlistenable which was a real shame.
Also of note, last week's Megadeth at the Astoria, which was possibly the last Megadeth gig ever. Got there at just the right time methinks! I'm too young to know much Megadeth (poor excuse I know) but I damn well know who they are now! "This is me, this is my guitar, and this, is Holy Wars." I will always remember that moment.
And I can't forget seeing Blaze at the Bedford Esquires. I hadn't planned to go, but I thought why not, nothing better to do. And then I fell in love with metal all over again. And the rest is history! The Woughton centre in Milton Keynes was another great Blaze gig, they were supported by this little band a few of you might know. Area 51 or something like that, I don't really remember