Best Metal Albums of 2010

They go together quite well if you stop thinking in terms of the standard mentality of what War Metal or Black/Death should be.

See I've thought about that but I'm not sure. Here I'm just facing the fact that AAN's vocals won't turn shit into gold on every occurrence. Not that this is shit in the first place ofc but you get my point.
Yeah, it does take time because it's such a new way to present vocals. I was initially turned away by the drums being really high in the mix which hurt the vocals for me. However, it just hit me hard after a few listens and I knew what to expect.
I actually had to think about that %.... I'd actually hazard to say that metal probably takes up more than 4% of everything coming out today (not including the "blogosphere").

EDIT: meaning 4% would be staggering in itself. Lots of (shitty) music out there.
You people and your idiotic genre rules. Who fucking cares what it's called?

"Oh we can't talk about ____________ here because it doesn't fit the guidelines as outlined in an old Steppenwolf song that nobody here even knows." Jebus fucking christ.
You people and your idiotic genre rules. Who fucking cares what it's called?

"Oh we can't talk about ____________ here because it doesn't fit the guidelines as outlined in an old Steppenwolf song that nobody here even knows." Jebus fucking christ.

If there was no explaining involved, and someone said 'HERE IS MY TOP 5 METAL ALBUMS!' and I was like 'COOL!' and started listening and heard Jazz, Avante Garde, etc. (EVEN IF IT WAS GOOD) I'd be fucking pissed and move along. That's the idea of keeping the 'Best Metal album' thread about Metal Albums. Obviously people can do what they want, just sayyyyiinnn'.
I take no issue with people offering a general classification for bands and albums. As has already been noted, there's too much music out there these days and no where enough time to even listen to the music that might appeal to you. For instance, I don't need to listen to a 600th Doom CD to know I won't like it. I don't like Doom. Now if someone describes a band as being Doom, with Black and Progressive influences, I might be intrigued. So while I agree, that we can get too hung up on such labels, I do feel they serve a purpose.
yeah, i like Atheist, but don't want to hear anything "new" from them.

you know what really smokes, new Witchery ... holy headbanging fury :kickass:
Accept - Blood of the Nations.

I was never much of an Accept fan in the 80s. I don't think I ever even owned an Accept cassette or CD. I never could handle Udo's vocals in large doses. However, Mark Tornillo, who spent his life singing in TT Quick (Jersey Metal stalwarts who never broke beyond the local scene) has filled the void the band thought would never be filled. His vocals just slay on this disc. While it's nothing special creatively, it's reminiscent of everything that was fun about 80s Metal; great riffs, great vocals, tons of anthems with attitude. One of those discs that seems ideal for driving on warm summer days with the windows rolled down. I appreciate that such a description won't appeal to most of the forum. However, I'm totally digging it. Before Metal was dark, cold and evil, it was fun. And for some who grew up in the 80s, the fact that the fun component has all but become anathema to Metal fans, is somewhat puzzling.

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