Funeral doom is my life
you make it sound like a death sentence, i think if i want ballads ill just stick to reo speedwagon and styx 

Fangface said:Rainbow - Catch the Rainbow
speed said:The Ritual is very very good- but is it ballad material? I suppose it is to Meshuggah. Funny how I should classify ballads as only those slow and pretentious songs that I almost always skip. I still think Return to Serenity by Testament is the best, if i am to stay deluded with my definition of the ballad.
IOfTheStorm said:Crimson Glory-Lost Reflection
Queensryche-I Will Remember
Scorpions-In Trance
Psychotic Waltz-I Remember
i second thatSonnenritter said:Blind Guardian - The Bard's Song (In The Forest)
Profånity said:There's no ballads in Metal, a ballad is everything Metal isn't.
Metal bands play/write ballads but those songs they write aren't Metal.