Best Metal Cover Album

Which is the best metal cover album?

  • Metallica - Garage Inc.

  • Iced Earth - Tribute to the Gods

  • Vader - Future of the Past

  • Overkill - Coverkill

  • Six Feet Under - Graveyard Classics series

  • Dream Theater - A Change of Seasons

  • Exhumed - Garbage Daze Re-Regurgitated

  • Slayer - Undisputed Attitude

  • Acheron - A Tribute to the Devil's Metal

  • Other. Please post your choice

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Garbage Connoisseur
Mar 4, 2008
Roadkill, WV
Curious to everyone's opinion on this one. I know cover albums arent usually highly regarded but some good ones do exist.

I chose not to include multi-band compilations because there's basically just too fucking many. I also left "none" off of the poll because you guys are... well... you guys.

If I missed your choice please do post it.
Tbh I've hardly heard anything on this list, or any other single-band album. The closest thing I can think of is probably disc two on Death is Glory...Now! With Reverend Bizarre. But I mean, it is mostly a comp with older covers, guess it doesn't count? :)
I'm aware of the Rev Bizarre comp. I own Death is Glory Now... but it's part of a 2 disc compilation of rare tracks so I didnt include it. I at least think all these releases were released as stand alones.
I'm aware of the Rev Bizarre comp. I own Death is Glory Now... but it's part of a 2 disc compilation of rare tracks so I didnt include it. I at least think all these releases were released as stand alones.
TBH I'm not even sure if it is my favorite. Revbiz is best when they make doom covers of things like Dunkelheit, Dark Sorceress and The Gate of Nanna. Death is Glory Now has too many covers of doom/heavy metal songs that they do pretty standard. Not sure why I ever would put on the their cover of Dark World, Deciever or Broken Vows instead of the originals.
vote Dream Theater but Garage Inc was p good. Also


"that moment when you see everyone bitching about Yngwie and Jeff butchering Gates of Babylon but it turns out being the best cover on the album"

Well, that and Blind Guardian's cover of Don't Talk to Strangers.
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