Best Metal Music for Lifting Weights to?

Weight lifting is fine, but weight lifters are gay.

I'm sorry, but being a successful weight lifter/bodybuilder is far more difficult than any other sport. To be successful requires that the individual make countless sacrifices and completely alter the way he/she lives their life. It's completely cliché and you can dog to me for it, but at the same time it's absolutely fitting: "weightlifting is not a sport, it's a way of life." The truth is most people cannot make the sacrifices necessary to be successful in the sport. Call them "gay", but those individuals have more discipline than most of us.
I'm sorry, but being a successful weight lifter/bodybuilder is far more difficult than any other sport. To be successful requires that the individual make countless sacrifices and completely alter the way he/she lives their life. It's completely cliché and you can dog to me for it, but at the same time it's absolutely fitting: "weightlifting is not a sport, it's a way of life." The truth is most people cannot make the sacrifices necessary to be successful in the sport. Call them "gay", but those individuals have more discipline than most of us.

Most people won't make those sacrifices because they realize that weightlifters are fucking idiots.
I do not weight lift and I never will. I honestly don't even understand the point of it, but to each his own I guess.
I do not weight lift and I never will. I honestly don't even understand the point of it, but to each his own I guess.

If I didn't work in a warehouse, I would lift weights, because it just helps you in every day life. If you have to help someone move, or do anything else that requires strength... it's good to have it. Also, it just helps my appearance. I look better with the slight bit of muscle I do have, rather than flabby fat or the outline of my bone. It's healthy as well, which really isn't a factor for me, considering my several other terrible health habits.
I'm sorry, but being a successful weight lifter/bodybuilder is far more difficult than any other sport. To be successful requires that the individual make countless sacrifices and completely alter the way he/she lives their life. It's completely cliché and you can dog to me for it, but at the same time it's absolutely fitting: "weightlifting is not a sport, it's a way of life." The truth is most people cannot make the sacrifices necessary to be successful in the sport. Call them "gay", but those individuals have more discipline than most of us.

While I have to agree with you, I'd say that only one group of athletes actually sacrifice more than body builders by far: MMA athletes on a professional level have anywhere from 8-10 hours a day of training/conditioning, whereas most lifters will ring in at least 2-4 hours of all around training (lifting and cardio) daily. Your statement about them and discipline is dead on, though.
I see weight-lifting as an effective means of exercise and staying healthy, just as valid as cardio workouts, swimming laps, cycling or a career that is physically demanding, such as construction.

However, I don't value weight-lifting as a proper life-style, only a means to maintain health and physical fitness, or for athletes, a boon to strength.
I read it the first time, and you need to get over your preconceived notions, it's no one's fault other than yours that you think most people who lift weights are arrogant or "obsessed" with themselves.
I said that I generalized already, but I don't care really, everyone in my surrounding that has started lifting weights regularly has ended up like that, until someone doesn't I hold to my opinion that I think it is gay. I don't need to get over anything.
I suppose it requires self discipline to get all muscley but most of the people who are the opposite of that, couldn't care less about it so they could have disciplined themself to get good at something that they actually enjoyed anyway. I don't believe in REAL MEN if you're physicaly male then you're as male as it's possible to be. I don't think knuckleheads and fat gay school bully type people are anymore male than air stewards.

Personally I dislike following (fashion) trends and spending a great deal of time on my appearance but that's because I find it amaazingly boring. I'm not worrying about what 'the guys' would say if they saw me or whatever.
Well now we're discussing broad generalizations of personal attributes and the many ways in which they can be manifested. Sure, there are other attributes that make someone as much of a "man" as another. Being decently intelligent, for example, is a sign of being a "man" (as opposed to being a boy), but I see nothing wrong in adding all the positive societal male attributes into one: being smart, strong, etc.