Best of the Rest: Judas Priest

The best?

  • Total voters
You've got another thing coming
Living After Midnight

Only United of those qualifies (Take On the World and Red, White, and Blue are the only other two IIRC). You've Got Another Thing Coming is just a straight-up badass pop metal hit. Living After Midnight is still too riff-oriented to account; if it's arena rock, so is AC/DC. Not one of their best songs, but better than the ones closing Defenders.
Some of the bonus tracks on the remasters are pretty sweet. The live version of Jawbreaker on Sin after Sin (fuck knows why they put it on that instead of DOTF) is good.

Living Bad Dreams is cool too as are the extra live tracks on UITE, although I have that on vinyl with the extra 7 inch anyway, so I even have Beyond the Realms of Death live, long before that recent live album they did.
Living Bad Dreams is probably Priest's worst song. Fire Burns Below is great stuff, though. It's like one part Blood Red Skies and one part A Touch of Evil, total synth-driven cheese greatness.
Point of Entry is an excellent album and anyone that disagrees needs to stop posing.

My vote goes for Ram it Down. It's much better than Turbo and Point of Entry.

This isn't a Manilla Road thread

I also agree that Point of Entry is awesome

Better than the last 20 years of manilla road....

Implying Out of the Abyss or The Courts of Chaos are any good.


You're still probably the biggest black metal poser fag on this forum, bruh. Anyone that can't admit that Point of Entry has some excellent songs should go back to their metal-for-indie-rock-fans Aeturnus or Manilla Road albums.

EDIT: You didn't even pick an album. What would you pick that wouldn't be the fag choice if not Point of Entry or Ram it Down? I can't imagine a tr00 black metal homosexual picking Turbo or a Ripper album.
You're still probably the biggest black metal poser fag on this forum, bruh. Anyone that can't admit that Point of Entry has some excellent songs should go back to their metal-for-indie-rock-fans Aeturnus or Manilla Road albums.

EDIT: You didn't even pick an album. What would you pick that wouldn't be the fag choice if not Point of Entry or Ram it Down? I can't imagine a tr00 black metal homosexual picking Turbo or a Ripper album.

HB I've put you on ignore now, i cba with your random opinions on things.


Really? See my sig. This forum has fucking ridiculous opinions and people here try too hard to fit in and will dismiss groups based on what some dumbass at Metal Archives thinks and never listen to a fucking minute of something, but you will praise the crustiest, shittiest black metal bands around?

I just can't.
should go back to their metal-for-indie-rock-fans Aeturnus or Manilla Road albums.


Really? See my sig. This forum has fucking ridiculous opinions and people here try too hard to fit in and will dismiss groups based on what some dumbass at Metal Archives thinks and never listen to a fucking minute of something, but you will praise the crustiest, shittiest black metal bands around?

I just can't.

I like what I like bro, and I like what's good. I don't try to fit in at all. I just like picking on HB cause his opinions, 99.999999~% of the time, are fucking terrible.
i dont mind hb. but seriously, you need to calm down every time someone disagrees with you. your opinions arent gospel.

give me manilla road and aeternus over judas priest and maiden any day.
lol, I don't get agitated in forum discussions/arguments/pissing matches, especially not ones about music. Save your advice for a guy like The Butt that gets into arguments on other forums and then cross-posts them here in hopes of finding someone to agree with him.
Everything HamburgerBoy and The Ozzman post are desperate attempts to piss off older posters. It becomes more and more apparent every time I browse on this forum.
I like what I like and don't really give a fuck what others think. Part of what I say is trolling because the older posters do it towards newer stuff so I reverse troll so to speak.

For example, I own two Manilla Road albums and don't mind them, but give Schmidt absolute shit for masturbating over their discog because I want to show him how fucking absurd it is to do it. That and he gets bent out of shape about it like I hurt his feelings.

I'm willing to give anything a shot once or twice. I don't think you (or most people on this forum) are. I remember a conversation about Trivium and I told you about their first album and you knew nothing about it because of your sheer ignorance of anything past anything highly rated on MA or UM. Open your fucking eyes once in a while.

Again, most times I don't think a lot of people on this forum actually listen to things they critique. They just take an MA review and put their own spin on it because it's the hip thing to do.