Best of the Rest: Judas Priest

The best?

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Most of your posts are about Manilla Road and how much you don't like like them. It's to the point where it's quite transparently trolling.

I have no recollection of what you're talking about in terms of an argument about Trivium. But for the sake of argument, I listened to Pillars of Serpents on YouTube and it's the same generic, frivolous metalcore I despised my peers for exposing me to when I was 16. Can't say that I'm surprised.
Congrats, you listened to one song from the album. That makes you an expert on the album. Maybe if you actually took a serious look at shit, your viewpoint would change. Maybe it wouldn't, but maybe I'm also more open minded than you are about music.

I would say I've had maybe a dozen posts about how Manilla Road sucks. Hardly a lot.
A dozen posts is an unnecessary amount to make a point that can be summed up with "I don't like this band."

Aren't there metalcore-centric or radio rock friendly forums you can post on?
Manilla Road have redeeming qualities but their overall sound could have been better in the first place. Imagine them with the guy from Crimson Glory singing, for example. I don't have the energy to think out whether that's right, but the singing really isn't great.
A dozen posts is an unnecessary amount to make a point that can be summed up with "I don't like this band."

Aren't there metalcore-centric or radio rock friendly forums you can post on?

Fuck you, man. I don't need to justify myself to you after being here for 7+ years. Why don't you go to Mason Pub and chase unavailable women? You're at least good at that and it yields some semi intelligent discourse on this forum from you.

EDIT: Part of this is the vodka talking, but part of it isn't.
Everything HamburgerBoy and The Ozzman post are desperate attempts to piss off older posters. It becomes more and more apparent every time I browse on this forum.

Yeah, all those older posters must be enraged by people that like Point of Entry. Dodens & co. hardly even come here anymore, you can stop licking their asses now.

EDIT: Hahaha, forgot that you were the guy that would use "n*ggerdom" to describe any metal that fell remotely close the groove metal. I love how this forum goes all the way back to antiquity, unlike most other metal forums which have regular purging cycles.

Manilla Road have redeeming qualities but their overall sound could have been better in the first place. Imagine them with the guy from Crimson Glory singing, for example. I don't have the energy to think out whether that's right, but the singing really isn't great.

The singing is one of their strongest points, along with Randy Foxx's drumming. It's the lack of decent riffs and tedious songwriting that hold them back.
Yeah, all those older posters must be enraged by people that like Point of Entry. Dodens & co. hardly even come here anymore, you can stop licking their asses now.

EDIT: Hahaha, forgot that you were the guy that would use "n*ggerdom" to describe any metal that fell remotely close the groove metal. I love how this forum goes all the way back to antiquity, unlike most other metal forums which have regular purging cycles.

The singing is one of their strongest points, along with Randy Foxx's drumming. It's the lack of decent riffs and tedious songwriting that hold them back.

People don't post here anymore because of shit like this man. Do you realize that? The majority of your posts are so try-hard controversial that it seems like you're attempting a satire mocking people who prefer a certain type of metal. It's gone far beyond simply liking or disliking an album or band.

Just chill out already and stop parading around the idea that you're somehow unique because of your music taste. You aren't.
Not sure what I've said to give the impression that I see myself as unique. I prefer Iron Maiden to Manilla Road. I consider Pantera to be a metal band. I don't listen to obscure black metal and don't belong to any niche black metal thinktanks. That makes me one of the masses.

Do you actually keep in contact with those people and have they actually told you "We'd like to post, but HamburgerBoy keeps saying all these mean things about black metal in the controversial opinions thread, so we're leaving :'( "? I kind of doubt that, but I'd have to admit that I'd be happy with myself is so. I think it's weird how obsessed you are with these people. I can even find older posts where you're all "X and Y would disagree with you" as if that's some kind of an argument. Are you the bastard offspring of a couple of them? I don't understand the reasoning behind being fairly inactive on a forum, returning to call a bunch of people fags for the less-esteemed Priest albums they enjoy, and then lamenting over the loss of people that haven't been active for about as long (or more). Were you here long before your current account, maybe one of those silly fellows that deleted a number of their old posts for the shame of not having been born of noble, true metal heritage?
I can't remember what they're called but I'm pretty sure there was an actual Ku Klux Klan traditional metal band in the 80s.

I like what I like bro, and I like what's good. I don't try to fit in at all. I just like picking on HB cause his opinions, 99.999999~% of the time, are fucking terrible.

Ultimate Metal: Where opinions are facts
Not sure what I've said to give the impression that I see myself as unique. I prefer Iron Maiden to Manilla Road. I consider Pantera to be a metal band. I don't listen to obscure black metal and don't belong to any niche black metal thinktanks. That makes me one of the masses.

Do you actually keep in contact with those people and have they actually told you "We'd like to post, but HamburgerBoy keeps saying all these mean things about black metal in the controversial opinions thread, so we're leaving :'( "? I kind of doubt that, but I'd have to admit that I'd be happy with myself is so. I think it's weird how obsessed you are with these people. I can even find older posts where you're all "X and Y would disagree with you" as if that's some kind of an argument. Are you the bastard offspring of a couple of them? I don't understand the reasoning behind being fairly inactive on a forum, returning to call a bunch of people fags for the less-esteemed Priest albums they enjoy, and then lamenting over the loss of people that haven't been active for about as long (or more). Were you here long before your current account, maybe one of those silly fellows that deleted a number of their old posts for the shame of not having been born of noble, true metal heritage?

I never even mentioned black metal or specific posters. I'm done.
Ultimate Metal: Where opinions are facts

I'm not saying my opinions are fact, just that HB's opinions are garbage, and that he doesn't actually debate things, just hijacks good arguments to spout nonsense (the latter of which, is actually NOT opinion, but fact). When you post opinions on the internet, it automatically makes them open to scrutiny; and if someone has a shitty opinion, obviously posted to be a contrarian, I'm gonna say so.

Why do you think his posts always have to include ad-homs about "oh man you're just a black metal fag, black metal sucks", as if its somehow relevant to the conversation at hand? HB doesn't argue points, he uses his replies as a vehicle to tout his obvious distaste for anything good, hijacking perfectly good arguments to push his scumfuckery and (attempt to) piss people off.

He needs to stick to what he's good at: Throwing darts at a dartboard with Varg Vikernes' face on it, while reluctantly receiving head from really thirsty men.
The good thing I'll say about HB is that at least he's willing to be honest and I suspect he does genuinely listen to the metal. There's a lot of cock suckers and posers who just get their opinions decided for them. However, I do still think that the vague notions of which albums are good and which bands are good, that you get from this site and UM, plus and a handful of other places, is pretty much in line with a reasonable matured taste in metal.
Tbh most of GMD simply has good taste. Its not like I'm trying to fit in, as I myself hold opinions that GMD would find very odd. Like the fact that I still adore old Bodom, I adore all Lamb of God except for the last album, I find Bruce Dickinson's vocals to be utterly ghastly; and I believe Sabbath's best and most mature album to be Sabotage, not Paranoid or Master of Reality.

That being said: I would not have been introduced to great bands like The Chasm, Demigod, Gehennah, Warning, Saint Vitus, Manilla Road, etc, without GMD. I love these bands, and I would have loved them regardless of where I discovered them; but without UM I probably would not have discovered them.
I mean, aside from Headless Cross, Tyr and Forbidden, Sabbaths entire discography is great. But Sabotage, just... wow. Stellar songwriting.
The Headless Cross title track is pretty enjoyable, I don't remember much of the rest of the album though. Black Sabbath I appreciate and understand the importance of, but rarely listen to, to be honest. The Dio albums, other than the famous tracks, are especially boring to me.
I'm not saying my opinions are fact, just that HB's opinions are garbage, and that he doesn't actually debate things, just hijacks good arguments to spout nonsense (the latter of which, is actually NOT opinion, but fact). When you post opinions on the internet, it automatically makes them open to scrutiny; and if someone has a shitty opinion, obviously posted to be a contrarian, I'm gonna say so.

Why do you think his posts always have to include ad-homs about "oh man you're just a black metal fag, black metal sucks", as if its somehow relevant to the conversation at hand? HB doesn't argue points, he uses his replies as a vehicle to tout his obvious distaste for anything good, hijacking perfectly good arguments to push his scumfuckery and (attempt to) piss people off.

He needs to stick to what he's good at: Throwing darts at a dartboard with Varg Vikernes' face on it, while reluctantly receiving head from really thirsty men.

I don't think I've ever entered a thread just to say "lol black metal fags". I'm more reactionary in my posts; if someone says "hahahaha Pantera isn't really metal, it's dumb rock music for negros", I may say "hahaha, you think ambient is a more acceptable influence on metal" in response. Show me one time where I ever entered a black metal discussion randomly just to shit on people for listening to it. Note that I have never posted even once in the dedicated black metal thread.

Fuck more children, btw.