Best Opeth songs to convert someone over..??

I guess I am one of the few who thinks that White Cluster would be the best choice. Of course, it all depends on who you're trying to convert, and their taste, but still.
I don't think that metal people are hard to convert,
but the main problem is to get the more "poppy" people to like it.

You could do that you play a melodic (maybe short one) song (dunno, I'm not veteran enough yet to name one) and say that they have alot of cool more agressive parts too.
I think that might be enough.
In honesty if you stick on "The Leper Affinity" and they are not blown away there is no hope... this whole: "I like Opeth when they play soft stuff only" is 100% gay.
The fact that there is people who half appreciates the band genuinely annoys me :p

If they are already metal fans physically throw a copy of BWP at them..leave it a few days..then if they don't like it repeat the process.
Ghost of Perdition was the song that converted me. I liked it so much when I first heard it I was dissapointed with the rest of the album because I kept comparing every song to GoP.

I tried converting my wife many times and she couldnt stand Opeth until I played her Porcelain Heart, and now she is slowly coming around.
I tried to convert a friend of mine by sending her a bunch of soft Opeth songs, but every time she was all like "Hmm well it's nice and all, but it really isn't my thing", so I sent her Blackwater park and she loved it, then I gave her The drapery falls, and after that, she pretty much wanted all their albums ;)
I knew she liked rock and wasn't only into soft stuff, but it had just never occurred to me that she would like the growls...but she does! :D

As for me, I believe I was converted by either Drapery or Master's apprentices, but honestly can't remember. Might have been something off of Damnation too.
I don't even consider trying to convert people to my music, I stopped doing that along time ago. I think musical taste is so personal, and I feel a little vulnerable doing it. It's hard to explain...

Anyway, I wasn't sold the first time I heard Opeth either, it took many repeated listens before I was hooked.

That said, if you play the first couple of minutes of Masters Apprentices for someone and they don't like it at all, then it ain't happenin'.
My friend got me into Opeth by sending me Bleak and Benighted. I was thinking they are ok but it didn't really blow me away. Then one day at the school he gave me Blackwater park to home for listen. Amazing... I remember not liking songs like Leper affinity at first but Harvest confused me and Drapery did the rest.
The Drapery Falls is a good choice it was the first song I heard from opeth.And I tried that on someone else who was listening to Tool etc and it worked well.Than I told him to get face of melinda,the apostle in triumph and twilight is my robe.He fell in love with them ^^ .Now I told him to get the moor and he liked it too.Soon he will be an Opethian !
Actually I'd recommend closure as well for many, go closure and then possibly a heavy song with very mellow passages like TDF or perhaps Bleak. Overall I would say BWP as first album for those not very introduced to growling (if they are open minded to listen to it). Still life for the more "metal" kind of people.

If you would give them damnation first most likely they would be stuck with that one and not progress with their more heavier songs I think.
When would be a pretty good song to get a metal head into Opeth with, not because it's their heaviest song or anything, but because there is enough metal in there to make them listen on and some cool acoustic parts. It's melodic as well, and generally good for making people want to listen to Opeth. I know from experience.
I discovered Opeth via a Kerrang sampler back in 2002 which had "The Drapery Falls" on its tracklist.
However this was a "radio edit" which went for about 6 minutes cutting out all the heavy mid section and growling.

I saw Still life in my local cd store, and bought it, after hearing "The Moor" I almost thought the cd store had given me the wrong cd. After listening to the whole album i didn't care if that was so. :OMG::worship:

"Isis - Carry" was on the same sampler and inspired me to pick up Oceanic around the same time.

fuck that issue was a good purchase, shame the mag is shithouse 99% of the time.
I would use Bleak or The Drapery Falls and maybe Demon Of The Fall(the first one I listened :rofl:)
I'm not sure how I first heard about Opeth, but I think it was around 2004-2005. I was listening to stuff like In Flames at the time and hadn't really been exposed to growls yet. Also, the music i listened to was mostly fast/heavy and didn't have the emotion that a band like Opeth puts into it.

I somehow got my hands on Damnation and found it really intriguing. I had to be in a certain mood in order to appreciate it, but the seed was planted. I had tried listening to their other stuff but was immediately turned off by the growls and never really gave it a chance.

A couple years down the line I started branching out into wider varieties of music. I had just been through a pretty emotional breakup, so I was listening to stuff like Katatonia a lot. Through their website I saw that there was a new Opeth album out.

Out of curiosity I decided to download it (I know, piracy=bad, but i own every opeth album now so whatever) and the first track I put on was Harlequin Forest (Saw the song length and just had to see what the deal was). I was immediately hooked, and while the growls still didn't perfectly click with me then, it didn't take long for them to grow on me.

Opeth quickly became my favorite band and has been ever since. I listen to all their material (mostly post-Orchid/Morningrise), and I never get sick of the stuff.

Sorry for the lil opeth life story there, but I guess it just goes to show that for someone to get into a band it takes more than just a specific song. A lot of people that listen to Opeth listen to them because of the emotions they incite in the listener. If you've gone through a hardship it makes it a lot easier to take in something like that. After trying to show Opeth to many many people I finally realized that you can't necessarily get everyone to appreciate them the way you do... or maybe just not yet.
I think it would be better if your subject sees a live footage of the band performing a gig or something.
I heard The Leper Affinity two years ago and I hated it but a year ago I was on the plane with my dear friend Sammy and he gave me his iPod that had Lamentations ripped on it and when I saw how the band is like onstage, all smiley and professional, joking around, making mighty statements, and talking to the crowd, I loved them. Whe I saw how down to earth and happy they are I opened up to them rather than listen to a song and think of them as acne faced angry bunch who had abusive fathers.

Seeing Mikael go from soft vocals to growls and the fluctuation from beautiful to beastly in each song definitely blew me away.
I never passed a day without listening to Opeth since last summer.