Favorite Opeth Songs...??

opethXisXlove916 said:
okay i think i'm seriously leaving this forum
half of you are ignorant jackfuckers and the other half just hit on me because i'm a 15 year old girl
i was new to this forum and obviously not welcomed
so i'm moving to a different metal forum

Lol, stop using being a 15 year old girl to defend yourself - this isn't a care bears forum. Grow up, get over yourself, and enjoy your stay, or don't and flee.
You do know that you are not going to get anything, what with this being an internet forum and all? I don't really care what sex she is tbqh

If you are that desperate, either go chase some real women, or have a wank.
the_3_toed_sloth said:
You do know that you are not going to get anything, what with this being an internet forum and all? I don't really care what sex she is tbqh

If you are that desperate, either go chase some real women, or have a wank.