best phrases and sayings!


crack you like an acorn
Feb 27, 2002
in a tree. that i have.
now that we're in the middle of a Best Of thread spree, here's one more to keep it alive...

what are the best sayings you heard? those that made you think very deep, or those that you though flat out hilarious... go!

my maths teacher said today "it's like putting your finger on the roof ventilator... (he paused a bit and meanwhile no one had the least idea what he tried to say) ... it doesn't hurt but the atrocity of the concept is there!"

hahahahaha best analogy ever :-D

then a dialogue from this board (or was it Sinergy's, can't remember):

-telling him that is like telling a thirsty camel to stop drinking.
-yeah man, you just might be right. and that's the precise reason why some people shoot camels point-blank, square in the face with a double-barreled shotgun and then beat the animal's carcass up with pickaxes untill all the blood comes out of the fucker's body and is left to rot out in the open.


misc stuff:

"Baby, when I look in your eyes I wish I was an astronaut so I could ride my rocket straight to Uranus!"

- Can vegetarians eat fruit?
- I eat vegetarians...
- so you're a fruit?

"Never trust anything that bleeds for a week and doesn't die." hehehe

"Playing this game took me to new pain levels, summoning up enough bile and stomach acid to dissolve a medium sized truck."

"What is a sex crime? -- Not gettin' any!"

"Deathmatch rules, nobody plays coop, and people who play single player are regarded as a little strange. Just like real life."

"If you don't live according to what you think, you end up thinking according to how you live."

when it comes to memorable phrases, there's no one like one the founders of heavy metal in Argentina, Ricardo Iorio:

"Es importante transmitir que la mayoria de los habitantes del mundo son unos hijos de puta, unos forros o unos mogólicos, sino el mundo andaría bárbaro."

"It's important to transmit that the majority of the inhabitants of the world are either sons of bitches, backstabbers or retards, otherwise the world would be going great."

and to finish, one of his most epic phrases:

"Los veteranos de Malvinas hoy venden estampitas, banderitas o curitas en una esquina y la gente que el día de la toma ponía banderas y hacía 'ti-ti-ti' en el auto, hoy no les da pelota."

"Nowadays the veterans of the Malvinas [aka Falklands] war are selling religious cards, flags or band aids on corners, and the people that on the day of the [argentinian] taking of the island rose flags and blew their car's horns, don't give a shit about them today."
the word of the day is legs. why dont we go back to your place and spread the word?

baby, your pants are like a mirror because i can see myself in them.
-telling him that is like telling a thirsty camel to stop drinking.
-yeah man, you just might be right. and that's the precise reason why some people shoot camels point-blank, square in the face with a double-barreled shotgun and then beat the animal's carcass up with pickaxes untill all the blood comes out of the fucker's body and is left to rot out in the open.

:lol: it was I who wrote that answer, man! damn it was a long time ago, I was very flattered to read it here! :D :D

"Playing this game took me to new pain levels, summoning up enough bile and stomach acid to dissolve a medium sized truck."

and this is from isn't it? :p
Things that sound dirty in the office

10. I need to whip it out by 5

9. Mind if I use your laptop?

8. Put it in my box before you leave

7. If I have to lick one more, I'll gag!

6. I want it on my desk, NOW!

5. Hmmmmmm, I think it's out of fluid

4. My equipment is so old it takes forever to finish

3. It's an entry level position

2. When do you think you'll be getting off today?

and number 1

1. It's not fair... I do all the work while he just sits there.