Oxford compiles list of top ten irritating phrases

When I was in elementary school, students would often attempt to redirect blame and simultaneously proclaim innocence by using this two-in-one cliche:

"I was just sitting there, minding my own business when all of a sudden..." Kyle jumped out of the bushes and hit me "for no reason!"

Another one that needs to be on that list is "...in my life!" when pleading innocent. You can just say you've never "seen him / done that before" and "in my life" will be assumed. The redundancy is annoying and kind of obnoxious in my opinion.
Removing the E frome extreme and capitalizing/enlarging the entire word, there-bye making the item being described......XTREME!!!
I just thought of one that really pisses me off.

"Tell us how you really feel!" or whatever that stupid phrase is. Yeah, I'll tell you, once I get done pounding your face into the ground you smartass motherfucker.
stuff that seems impossible to get wrong but people get wrong all the time:

- confusing "there", "their", and "they're"..ugggghhhh

- metal fans, sometimes will say "...this song has the best guitar solo's.." :ill: SOLO'S? Seriously? :erk:
Also, I hate it when people on forums make a new thread beginning with "In This Thread We" followed by whatever the topic is.