GMD Poll: Top Ten Films of 2019

Added Depraved to my list.

Also added Bloodline to the honourables, that was awesome and super graphic. At times had a kind of giallo slasher vibe and it was the director's first film too, pretty impressive. Seann William Scott put up such a atypical performance for what you'd usually expect from him.


4. The Farewell

Finally got to see this one, had to add it to my list. So sad and funny at the same time, I love films that go into big family dynamics. Awkwafina is a surprisingly good actor, never thought I'd say something like that back in 2013 when I was listening to shit like this from her lmfao.

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that'll be 2020 eligible for me so i'll definitely check it out when i eventually get working on a list lol. have you guys seen any of their previous stuff? aquarius disappointed me in certain specific ways but it's worth seeing. neighbouring sounds is solid too.