best quote

It's easily this one:

The whole song seems to build up to this part, which is fucking awesome and always leaves me with goosebumps.

We are few but strong in will
The last with pagan blood
We fought the world with burning steel
Now we sit in Hall of Gods

Pride and glory in our hearts
Pride and glory in our hearts
Fast and hard, show no mercy for these men
The vermin of christ, prophets of lies and their disciples
Seek them out, hunt them down
Break their spirits, crush their hearts
Not even death will set them free from this pain....

Masters of War, torment every soul
Rape every whore that carries the cross
Mäktiga gudar, i gyllene salen
Hjälp mig i striden mot sondräparna
Den höge skall för huggen hämnas
Och blod skall gäldas i blod

Feels like that one is a quoute from an old script though. But this one is also good:

Our spritis were forged in snow and ice
To bend like steel forged over fire
We were not made to bend like reed
Or turn the other cheek

But actually the whole song is just a lyrical masterpiece so it doesn't really matter what part of it you quote.
No man was spread
No houses or farm remains
No christian woman unraped
Their church consumed by flames

Their steel shines red
With enemy blood
It sings of victory
Granted by the Gods
And as they return
Bleeding but proud
The horizon burns
And the song is ringing loud
achor said:
which is the best amon amarth lyric quote?

my favourite is thousand years of oppression:

After a thousand years of opression
Let the berserks rise again
Let the world hear these words once more:
"Save us, oh lord, from the wrath of the Norseman"

Yeah, I really like that one, as well as this one:

All enemies flee his spear
No bow, nor axe do harm
Allfather rides on the fields of fear
When Heimdall sounds the alarm

Something about a Warlord riding at top speed in battle into the mouth of death gives me the chills.
yllmar said:
Something about a Warlord riding at top speed in battle into the mouth of death gives me the chills.
Indeed, and hearing this in Beheading Of A King sends shivers down my spine:

One thousand men and five hundred horsemen
came charging down the beach

Imagining that in my head, a large mass of vikings charging down the beach's dunes, sword in hand pointed at the sky, that just makes me nearly gasp in awe :)
RampageSword said:
"Your sons die from your abuse
But you're giving us the blame
The easy path's the one you choose
That road will lead to pain
You're trying to control their mind
And strip them of free will
They way you force them to go blind
Will surely get them killed"

Definitely the best :hotjump:
also " Morals Preached By Immoral Fucks*
Tranquillian said:
It's easily this one:

The whole song seems to build up to this part, which is fucking awesome and always leaves me with goosebumps.

We are few but strong in will
The last with pagan blood
We fought the world with burning steel
Now we sit in Hall of Gods

Pride and glory in our hearts
Pride and glory in our hearts

i feel exactly the same for this exact part.
this is what i would have quoted.
but there are so many other songs with awsome lyrics...
i like the Mighty Doors of SpearGod's Hall.. there are good lyrics in that one, and this EP isnt praised enough for the lyrics and the music.
Let me die without fear
Cause I have lived without it
So shut your mouth and spare my ears
I'm fed up with all your bullshit

And many more but this one my favourite.:hotjump:

"You doubted him, and spread their lies
Across the world, with sword in hand
You raped our souls, and stole our right
All for the words of mild-mannered man
You listened to mild-mannered god
And put your faith in deceitful words
Your powertrip was paid by blood
In kidness' name you spilled our blood"
Tindomerel said:
"Total war is here
Face it without fear
Age of sword, age of spear
Fight for honor, glory, death in fire!
See the fire rise
Flames are raging high
Soon all will burn and die
Burn for honor, glory, death in fire!"

*Gets goosebumps listening to this song*
I concur, 100%.

The Anglo-Saxons had only one compensation for death and that was to be remembered after their death. In result they lived their mortal lives to the fullest without fear and full of pride. When I heard this, I felt completely comfortable with life and what may be for the first time. Amon Amarth lyrics that are similar to this one make me have that same feeeling. (I'm not gay i promise).

*"I will die with sword in hand
And then my seat's secured
When Oden calls from golden hall
He will great at the door"
I could've just quoted the whole Victorious March here, but that would be to easy.

Their steel shines red with enemy blood
It sings of victory granted by the gods
And as they return bleeding but proud
The horizon burns and the song is ringing loud
i've always liked this one:

They ride faster than the wind
With lightning speed they strike
Black ravens follow where they've been
To feed from those who died

With power they wield their swords
As they ride down fleeing men
Sending them to Hel's dark court
To never come back again
Celtik Militia:

I thought that aswell. I was to tired to type down the whole verse so I went to the net and got the lyrics. They must have typed wrong 'cause there's no logic in "the horizon turns". I'll just edit my previous insertion.