Best small, portable audio interface that has Vista 64 drivers?


Apr 12, 2002
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
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I am planning on renting out my house and moving to an apartment in Calgary for a year or so next spring and need something to take with me just to be able to record little demos and stuff. Only need to track guitars, and only one at a time. I have an M-Audio Fast Track Pro that has always worked alright but the damn thing STILL doesn't have Vista 64 drivers so I haven't been able to use it on my new laptop. I let my buddy borrow it and he lent me his EMU 404 or whatever it is because it has Vista 64 drivers at least, but it's proving to be a bit of a piece of shit.

I was looking at the Onyx Satellite maybe, what do you guys recommend for something small that can achieve really low latency for direct monitoring with amp sims and is in the $200 or less range?