Best song for having sex along with it...

Man, you had sex while listening to One Last Goodbye?
I'd probably cry in front of my girlfriend:eek: , and probably commited a suicide while listening to Inner Silence.....

Am I so emotional, the only1 who thinks there is NO Anathema track (except maybe Angelica) during you could share those quiet moments with your girlfriends?
don´t kill me, but I like it the softer way (please girls, reply, please!!!)
Before you judge me, listen to the albums (more than once):
Heather Nova:
"Oyster", and especially
"glow stars"
Fiona Apple:
"When the dawn" but much better
both artists work well if it´s the very last time with your long-term girlfriend as well.

For the really last time:
"Tonight´s decision"
"Fair deal..."
Everything since "Eternity"
Green Carnation:
"light of day, day of darkness" the best thing is, after half an hour, for five minutes the music is so bad, that you can do 50 minutes more, hehe ;-) (Ihope you have a CD changer)
Type ´o´ negative:
Everything if she/he likes metal, but esp. "World coming down"
And if you really want to cry:
"My dying bride"
although you have to find the rythm!
For a One-Night-stand:
Listen to what you want, mainpoint is she/he is gone tomorrow; although that is not my thing...
Sorry, I have forgotten to post the reason why I only enumerated albums:
Who the hell needs a song for having sex. At least ask for a single...
But five minutes for having sex?
Okay if you want a long song:
Iced Earth:
Dantes Inferno (about 18 mins)
Or Helloween
"Keeper of..." (about 13 mins)
but that is not love to a woman, that is love to yourself;
Or, what I posted Green Carnation, there is only one song that lasts for one hour...
Originally posted by Achernar
What's the best song for having sex along with?

Nothing is as good as Shine on You Crazy Diamond!



NP: Strapping Young Lad - No Sleep Till Bedtime

Hi, i have remembered one.
This is a "666" from "Pentecost III"
Darren sings there: "Sex, Sex, Sex...."
Suppose that song is a best for sexing.:lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by from the Cradle
Credence, Harvest, One Last Goodbye, Inner Silence....

They played One Last Goodbye during a show last year. I was there with four guys, and listening to that song, they all started sobbing and wiping away their tears...:cry: :cry:
They thought of many things then except sex...
Dammit!!:mad: no sex!!!no more to hell(with the deviiiiiiiilllllllll!!!!!!!)with that!Darn!:mad: :mad: :mad: :puke: :puke:
There's no seeeeeeeeeeeex for youuuuuuuuuuuu toniiiiiiiiiight!!!!!!!!!:eek: :yell: :zombie: :yuk: :ill:
Originally posted by without

:lol: :lol:

what happened to you ???

no,nothing specific,just that this is the main subject everywhere,LITERALLY EVERYWHERE!everything,everybody has something to do with that.everything is being created by that and,vice-versa,destroyed by that.If you sit down and think for a while about this,you'll get sick of it all.just switch on that fucking tv and count just how many signals concerning this matter you will receive directly and how many of them will be implied,or just thrown against you subconsciously.all this brainwashing with sex,outside,inside,on the streets,in magazines,in music,in the books,on people's shadow faces,everything is infected,colourful,luring advertisements,inside your damn house,damn tv,relationships rotten,friendships rotten.why is that?????animal insticts that need to be served,EVERYTHING sacrificed on the altar of God is my Want,my fucking God is my Want!!!!!!
Ego,Ego,Ego,that Ego has to be destroyed,annihilated.Man is a monster.Built his mortal kingdom on the power and arrogance of such a pitiful piece of flesh.
Just wonder:how were all those "glorious" empires created?How were all those"great"civilisations expanded?Expanded....through cry and suffer,through the muscular superiority of some....whatever...

....i'll be sending you postcards from Hades...