Best Song On Hate Crew Deathroll!!!

I love them all, but if I have to pic just one I'd say ANGELS DON'T KILL... then comes Bodom Beach Terror, but the whole album fucking rocks!

"We're the Hate Crew, we stand and we won't fall..." :D
this is a cool album... there isnt "best song" :grin:
But there isnt worst song :) and there isnt bad song...

SO! just good songs in the new cd! (?)
Correction on my favorite song.

I said before that Sixpounder or Hate Crew Deathroll were my favorites. Obviously all the songs are AMAZING!!! But Angels Don't Kill is definately rising to be my favorite out of all the incredible songs on the album.
Overall it's a VERY good album, and it's hard to point out just one favourite.. I would change every day. Right now I feel that the synth solo (starting 2:45) in chokehold is one of the best parts.

I love em all :)