Best Track off of each album


May 7, 2008
Here's to bring all the polls together. All options are available, including bonus tracks.
So what are your top songs off of all of the albums?
Lunar Strain - In Flames
Subterranean - Everdying
The Jester Race - Artifacts of the Black Rain
Whoracle - episode 666
Colony - Coerced Coexistence
Clayman - Brush the Dust Away
Reroute to Remain - Trigger
Soundtrack to Your Escape - F(r)iend
Come Clarity - Vacuum
A Sense of Purpose - Sleepless Again my opinion:kickass:
Lunar Strain - Upon an Oaken Throne
Subterranean - Stand Ablaze
The Jester Race - Moonshield (Artifacts is up there with this one, though)
Whoracle - Jotun
Colony - Zombie Inc.
Clayman - Only For The Weak
Reroute to Remain - System (Minus very close as well)
Soundtrack To Your Escape - Superhero of the Computer Rage
Come Clarity - Vanishing Light
A Sense of Purpose - Condemned
Lunar Strain - In Flames
Subterranean - Stand Ablaze
The Jester Race - Artifacts of the Black Rain
Whoracle - Food for the Gods
Colony - Colony
Clayman - Brush the Dust Away
Reroute to Remain - Minus
Soundtrack to your Escape - My Sweet Shadow
Come Clarity - Take This Life
A Sense of Purpose - Condemned
Lunar Strain - In Flames
Subterranean - Stand Ablaze
The Jester Race - Graveland
Whoracle - Jotun
Colony - Colony
Clayman - Swim
Reroute to Remain - Cloud Connected
Soundtrack to your Escape - F(r)iend
Come Clarity - Pacing Death's Trail (for lack of a better song)
A Sense of Purpose - Abnegation (off the EP/Extended album)
Lunar Strain - Behind Space
Subterranean - Stand Ablaze
The Jester Race - Moonshield
Black-Ash Inheritance - Goliaths Disarm their Davids
Whoracle - Food for the Gods
Colony - Embody the Invisible
Clayman - Swim
Reroute to Remain - System
Sountrack to your Escape - The Quiet Place
Come Clarity - Vanishing Light
A Sense of Purpose - Sober and Irrelevant
Lunar Strain - Upon an Oaken Throne by far!
Subterranean - Stand Ablaze
The Jester Race - Artifacts of the Black Rain (Lord Hypnos and The Jester Race are close)
Whoracle - Morphing into Primal
Colony - Zombie Inc (Followed by Embody the Invisible)
Clayman - Clayman, by a mile
Reroute to Remain - Reroute to Remain (So much good stuff on this album, Free Fall, Egonomic, Minus, Trigger DoaND)
Soundtrack to your Escape - Superhero of the Computer Rage (followed by Dead Alone and In Search for I)
Come Clarity - Take This Life (And Dead End)
The Mirror's Truth - Eraser followed by Tilt
A Sense of Purpose - Disconnected followed by Sleepless Again
(in my opinion, the Mirror's Truth EP crushes ASOP)
Agreed, the EP murders the LP.

Off the EP I would have selected Eraser... best post-clayman song so far.
Lunar Strain - In Flames
Subterranean - Stand Ablaze
The Jester Race - Dead Eternity
Whoracle - Jester Script Transfigured
Colony - Scorn
Clayman - the Future Repeats Today
Reroute to Remain - Transparent (not a huge fan of this album at all really...)
Soundtrack to Your Escape - My Sweet Shadow
Come Clarity - Come Clarity
A Sense of Purpose - March to the Shore
Lunar Strain - Behind Space
Subterranean - Biosphere
The Jester Race - Moonshield
Whoracle - Jester Script Transfigured
Colony - Zombie Inc.
Clayman - Swim
Reroute To Remain - System
Soundtrack To Your Escape - My Sweet Shadow
Come Clarity - Vanishing Light
A Sense of Purpose - Sober And Irrelevant
Lunar Strain - Behind Space
Subterranean - Stand Ablaze
The Jester Race - December Flower
Black Ash Inheritance - Acoustic Medley
Whoracle - Jotun... or Episode 666
Colony - Coerced Coexistence
Clayman - Pinball Map
Reroute to Remain - Reroute to Remain
Soundtrack to Your Escape - Eh, not sure
Come Clarity - Pacing Death's Trail or Versus Terminus
A Sense of Purpose - March to the Shore
Lunar Strain - In Flames
Subterranean - Stand Ablaze
Jester Race - Artifacts Of The Black Rain
Black Ash Inheritance - Goliaths Disarm Their Davids
Whoracle - Jotun
Colony - Zombie INc
Clayman - Brush The Dust Away
Reroute To Remain - Trigger
Soundtrack To Your Escape - The Quiet Place
Come Clarity - Take This Life
The Mirror's Truth - Tilt
A Sense Of Purpose - Delight And Angers
I didn't realise we were including EP's, other than that Subterannean. In that case:

Black-Ash Inheritance - Goliaths Disarm Their Davids
Trigger - Watch Them Feed
The Mirror's Truth - Abnegation
been listening to reroute to remain alot lately, and its actually really good

free fall, egonomic, and minus are awesome tracks

so in that case

reroute to remain - minus :goggly:
Lunar Strain - In Flames
Subterranean - Stand Ablaze
The Jester Race - Dead Eternity
Whoracle - Jester Script Transfigured
Colony - Scorn
Clayman - the Future Repeats Today
Reroute to Remain - Transparent (not a huge fan of this album at all really...)
Soundtrack to Your Escape - My Sweet Shadow
Come Clarity - Come Clarity
A Sense of Purpose - March to the Shore

good to see somebody else who appreciates this fantastic, hugely underrated song ;)
Lunar Strain - Behind Space
Subterranean - Biosphere
The Jester Race - Dead Eternity
Whoracle - Jester Script Transfigured
Colony - Zombie Inc
Clayman - Swim
Reroute to Remain - Dark Signs
Soundtrack to Your Escape - In Search For I
Come Clarity - Crawl Through Knives
...not familiar with the newest album
Lunar Strain - :x
Subterranean - Stand Ablaze
The Jester Race - Lord Hypnos
Whoracle - Episode 666
Colony - Coerced Coexistance
Clayman - Suburban me
Reroute to Remain - System
Soundtrack To Your Escape - Superhero of the Computer Rage
Come Clarity - Reflect the Storm
A Sense of Purpose - :x
Lunar Strain - Behind Space
Subterranean - Biosphere
The Jester Race - The Jester Dance
Whoracle - Episode 666/Jester Script Transfigured (really cant make my mind on this one, i love both tracks equaly)
Colony - Ordinary Story
Clayman - Bullet Ride
Reroute To Remain - Black and White
Soundtrack to your Escape - Evil in a Closet
Come Clarity - Come Clarity
ASOP - Abnegation
lunar/behind space
sub/stand ablaze
jester/dead eternity
whoracle/worlds within the margin
STYE/like you better DEAD(dedicated to my x-girlf(r)iend:heh:
CC/take this life
ASOP/delight and angers...........:rock: