Best upgrade for my old Digi 001 ?


Jul 23, 2008
Hello,whats is a good upgrade instead of my Digi 001.
So with what kind of card i get better sound?
hello,i need it for cubase.
4 preamps is enough,and maybe a good guitar input.
About 6 a 700 euro.
And a good low latency because i record alot with midi drums and guitar plugins.
sound like what you need is an RME fireface.

4 decent preamps, really good converters, zero latency monitoring and the great totalmix software.
you'll have to buy used if you wanna stay within that budget though.

another option would be the focusrite octopre LE with the digital option, 8 very decent preamps (better than the ones on the RME IMO), decent converters (not as good as the RME but definitely very usuable). you'll need a way to get ADAT into your computer though
yes, most defintely.
both options are MUCH better than the digi001.

the fireface is the more "standalone" option of the two, cause you don't need an adition PCI card or so to get the ADAT into Cubase.
BUT you could still use your 001 for that (assuming it's got ADAT in, not sure atm).

still, if I were you I'd get the RME I guess (assuming you don't need more than 4 preamps)
Low latency will not be a problem with any decent firewire interface (provided your computer is decent as well), and yeah, I'd imagine the inst. input on both of those would be more than adequate (I'd still always rather have a good DI though, Countryman Type 85 or BSS AR-133, whichever you can get a better price on)
i forgot to ask,if i only record with vst instruments(guitar plugin like lepou and superior drummer)
Wil it sound better on cd with the new soundcards?