Best Vintersorg album+poll

Best album

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Oh yeah, I see theres no question about how to rate ÖDEMARKEN here, glad to see that:hotjump:
TB666 said:
That was my fault.
I added that you can vote for more than one option.
Everyone who voted had that option, right? If so, this is a very good idea. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I'm a newbie trying to decide which album to buy, I've listened to all the 30 second streamed clips on Amazon mulling it over. Hehe. The "multiple" choice option is better for helping me decide b/c the weaker albums (according to over-all votes) will fall to the bottom. I may not end up buying my personal favorite, but it is much more likely I'll get a good first listen this way.

I really love that intro off the opening track of Ode's son, this and the fact that the album is leading in votes has convinced me to buy it. :)
mjollnir1965 said:
I went with Cosmic Genesis. I think with that album you have the best of both Vintersorg have the folky sound and the progressive sound all on one album.

That's what I voted for... for exactly the same reason :)

VERY difficult choice though. There are very few artists I listen to where this choice would be so hard. A credit to mr V's amazing talent and diversity throughout his musical evolution.

So far I have only Heard Ödemarkens Son and I LOVE it, it Hasnt left my Cd player SR sent that to me and She is going to send me Visions too ...... its pretty amazing that I like it Everything I normally listen to is in English but the guy has a Incredible voice!
For me there are two Vintersorgs. The folk-one and the prog-one.
I cannot decide between "them"..
From the old albums it is "Till Fjälls" i mostly listen to.
"Cosmis Genesis" and "The Focusing Blur" are the best albums of the new ones.
But there isn't any bad V-Album!