Charlie E.
Yea I like the dude from Akercocke as well, hes awesome, but his growls and screams are of a different sort than Mike's. They are deeper and more distorted. The guy from Severe Torture growls in a very similiar way. I like Mikaels the best because he can go very deep and it sounds very gruff but is relatively easy to understand. Mike could probably get close to or as deep as the dude from Akercocke, but imo doing good deep growls with good clarity of words is more difficult than super deep distorted vox. Lol and I also don't deny, I am a great fan of everything Mikael does.
Yea I used to be all about the super low growls ala cannibal corpse, mortician etc but now I really appreciate the power in the growls of people like Mikael and also Dan Swanö- two excellent versatile vocalists.
As far as new talent I'm gonna have to go with Kai Jaakkola of The Duskfall. He can do the Thomas Lindberg screams perfectly but mixes it up really great with other styles. Again, his vocals have that extra "oomph" that just rocks