Between the Buried and Me

wut wut

Apr 22, 2008
First off, I did use the search function. The function doesn't allow for words consisting of less than four letters, so I had to reduce it to "between buried". The search only went back to mid November of this year, and no results for this band were found on the Opeth forums.

So I don't wanna hear "Use search function, SHIT THREAD!"


Okay, asking for no "SHIT THREAD" comments is probably asking too much from this board. But at least spare me the lessons on the search function.

Moving on.

I checked out this band after a friend suggested them to me. I was asking around for bands that sounded like Opeth, and he told me that Between the Buried and Me are VERY Opeth-esque.

After picking up Alaska, I have to disagree. Strongly. BTBAM's heavy parts are very death metal, not just in vocals but in instrumentation. Opeth's heavy parts usually don't resemble death metal very much, beyond the vocals. BTBAM's softer parts are very reminiscent of power metal at times, especially the lyrics and vocals. Opeth's softer parts are more folksy, psychedelic, or classic rock-ish.

And song structure. Opeth uses intricate, non-traditional structures. BTBAM songs seem to have NO structure at all.

That said, I enjoy Alaska a great deal. It's a very solid album. It has nothing on the vast majority of Opeth's catalog, but this band is worth checking out IMO.
1) they aren't very much like opeth at all, unless you think all metal that has clean and harsh vocals to be like opeth.
2) i'm pretty sure they play in C# Standard (maybe some songs are drop C#) regardless they aren't a band that just abuses drop tunings because they are too lazy to play power chords. More importantly, it doesn't really matter what tuning a band uses lol. Opeth uses drop d for some songs. I would say that by "hardcore drop d bullshit" you meant the breakdowns, but at least their breakdowns are still creative and not just a "see-how-many-triplets-we-can-fit-in-between-whole-notes fest"
3) They definitely have song structure, they just use probably 10 times as many riffs as they need to.
4) Alaska and Colors are good albums, but their self titled is definitely their greatest work. Colors is too gimmicky for me, it just kind of screams "this is a concept album for the sake of being a concept". Alaska is good, but feels kind of like a sell out album not in the metallica sell out sense, but in more of a "every other chord progression is super catchy" sense.
5)These guys went to the college i went to
7) profit
Their s/t is abysmal iyam. I will say that if you're into stuff like Dream Theater and don't mind really annoying vocals and pointless blastbeat sections, then Alaska and Colors are fantastic albums. Silent Circus is alright; it's more of a transition than anything.
cant stand BTBAM, one minute its metalcore the next its gay vocals and him playing piano. i got this from the song Mordecai, if they have any better material please fell free to tell me
The vocals were a little off-putting at first. I got used to it, but I also like early Dream Theater.