Bi-amping etc

About the in phase issue: Is it really necessary that both mic'd tones are perfectly in phase already? Wouldn't it be sufficient if I put a short sine wave in front of my DI, reamp it through both mics and then just align both tracks in my DAW by using the sine wave?
As Andy said, phase can't be an issue, as long as you don't move the mic.
The amp's analog circuit doesn't introduce any latecy, so the only thing that COULD hapen is a 180degr phase flip.
no need to use a sine wave or so, unless you're suing a digital modelling amp, the amp doesn't cause any delay/latency.
and if you use the same mic/cab, the phase HAS to be 0 or 180 degrees
As Andy said, phase can't be an issue, as long as you don't move the mic.
The amp's analog circuit doesn't introduce any latecy, so the only thing that COULD hapen is a 180degr phase flip.
no need to use a sine wave or so, unless you're suing a digital modelling amp, the amp doesn't cause any delay/latency.
and if you use the same mic/cab, the phase HAS to be 0 or 180 degrees

True, unless different length cables were used because cables will cause some differences in latency.
As Andy said, phase can't be an issue, as long as you don't move the mic.
The amp's analog circuit doesn't introduce any latecy, so the only thing that COULD hapen is a 180degr phase flip.
no need to use a sine wave or so, unless you're suing a digital modelling amp, the amp doesn't cause any delay/latency.
and if you use the same mic/cab, the phase HAS to be 0 or 180 degrees

oh, sorry.. i should've clarified that I was talking about micing with multiple mics.. but yeah, makes sense what you wrote!
For me it works, but everything has to be in phase.

It has also worked as 1 amp, 2 cabinets, one pass at a time. It is even trickier because it's the same amp and DI signal going through 1 cabinet at a time, it's very easy to get some phasing.

You can hear this Cabinets mix on Red Seas Fire Album that I did the reamps.

5150III through Mills Cabinet + Orange Cabinet. Same amp settings, 2 passes.
just stumbled across this thread.
stephen carpenter from the deftones recently released his axe fx II presets he currently uses to the public... there are some pres which contain 2 amps, the second amp is always at least 8dbs lower in volume than the "main" amp ... don't know if this helps anyone, deftones guitar tone isn't probably a reference for you guys but at least its a practical value.