My name is F#A#Infinite, not to be confused with Jack or Pete or Dennis, my name is F#A#Infinite, and it's always been. I'm studying various things, mostly international business and Chinese. But I'm most interested in science, cognitive science, philosophy, music, geography, etc. My name is F#A#Infinite, but call me Alowishus Devadander Abercrombie... that's long for F#A#Infinite... so I've been told. I like watching movies. One of my favorites would be Rambo. I like how that guy kills people with AK's and drinks a lot of liquor. I'm the most boring sonsabitch you've ever seen. I dress in blue, yes navy blue, from head to toe, I'm rather drab except for my patent shoes. I make em' shine, most the time. I've got my pride. I drink my wine. I drink only the finest, cept I haven't earned a dime in several months... or were it years?