Biding my time, drinking my wine...


Conduit to the Gaian Mind
Sep 24, 2010
the mountains, NC
My name is F#A#Infinite, not to be confused with Jack or Pete or Dennis, my name is F#A#Infinite, and it's always been. I'm studying various things, mostly international business and Chinese. But I'm most interested in science, cognitive science, philosophy, music, geography, etc. My name is F#A#Infinite, but call me Alowishus Devadander Abercrombie... that's long for F#A#Infinite... so I've been told. I like watching movies. One of my favorites would be Rambo. I like how that guy kills people with AK's and drinks a lot of liquor. I'm the most boring sonsabitch you've ever seen. I dress in blue, yes navy blue, from head to toe, I'm rather drab except for my patent shoes. I make em' shine, most the time. I've got my pride. I drink my wine. I drink only the finest, cept I haven't earned a dime in several months... or were it years?
Fucking incredible introduction! And the Type O avatar to go along with it! How do they say it in the cyber world? Ah yes, kudos! But remember to never shun boxed wine, for it too can be rather fine. Or, take a field trip to Maynard's... dic... Vineyard! Please to meet you F#A#Infinite!