thanks everyone!
they started me off this week working part time 9-1, and was told that could last til october. so i got in my lil groove with that schedule, and then a little while ago i was asked to start working full time 8-5, starting tomorrow.
whole new schedule, and they'll probably slap me with a lot of work already after two days of watching someone else do their job. background checks are deeeeeeetailed, so very detailed! very very easy to fuck up. but i shant
i should go to bed already :zombie:
well, i was standing at the forest lane rail station in dallas waiting for the train when i noticed this quite odd fellow wearing a plaid button up shirt kinda like a mexican gangster would, but with hot topic strap & buckle riddled pants. looked absolutely RIDICULOUS. to top it off he was walking around the station singing "hallelujah, hallelujah" to himself over and over.
once on the train i realized...i went to school with this guy. he recognized me and proceeded to bug the shit out of me with his banter about being a warrior for jesus, that jesus sings through him. he asked me if i had angelic powers and wanted me to take him home with me because he was bored. he's obviously taken A LOT of drugs since school and has gone absolutely nutty.
he was worse than lrd in a way
i should introduce the two of them