Krejsy sheet (THREE carnagians involved!)

Hell Mike

fuck melodic black metal
Aug 22, 2003
Today when I got home from home MEEP MEEP my phone rang, guess what!?!?!? it was Caelum Adustum, he was at the bus station in Umeå! So I picked him up and we went to Erik's place and I kicked his ass at Super Street Fighter II and Mariokart and I should really be sleeping now. He had sent a PM but I hadn't seen it because I wasn't at home.
OK maybe not that krejsy but if I called one of you one day and was located at the nearest bus station, admit you'd be a bit krejsified.

ALSO: we just had a killing rehearsal and performed (among many other hit tunes) Törminatör with line-up as follows:

Caelum Adustum - 666 strings of dess
Erik Exkavatör - chainwire of hell
me - Four Strings of the Apocalypse
The Böbinator - Vomits of Satan
Emil - Battery of the devil

edit: you've got a manly voice for such a hot chick johanna /fotmbm

edit again: voice wtf.


OI! I kicked your arse on SSF sometimes. WTF is with my face in the first pic :goggly:. Ah well, the rehearsal was a good fukking night of :kickass:.
OI! I kicked your arse on SSF sometimes. WTF is with my face in the first pic :goggly:. Ah well, the rehearsal was a good fukking night of :kickass:.
Yeah the thousand detachable arms of death are rough but other than that..!
New hellrehearsal this evening oh yeah, you guys coming? (I GUESS I WILL KNOW BEFORE YOUR REPLY HERE EH)