Biffs Old Haunt

Ok if elvis fans and beatles fans etc etc can do it why cant saxon fans do it.

So its a nice hot summers day sunday july 10th 2005, A chance to get the bike out and go for a ride with gf somewhere different for a change so i thought lets go and see if we can find one of biffs old haunts so we set of from york n.yorkshire and headed down to lincolnshire to a place called wainfleet, We got there after a couple of hours riding with a few stop offs on the way.

When we got there we found a very nice market town with a river running through it, anyhow after a few appempts and trying to find The old vicarage we gave up and asked, we got there in the end and the house is tucked away at the bottom corner of a street big iron gates ( rusty now ) and trees covering the house from street view. So anyhow we parked up and i thought sod it where here now be nice to maybe have a look round the yard and garden area at least of the house, so i went to knock on the door this women answered i told her that i was doing some research about Biff and sort of hinted id like to take some outside pics but she wasent really haveing it but i guess at least id tryed but she did say that she bought the house of biff dont no what year though. And hey Biff for a market town its a really smart place and one i could live there deff thats if i had the money that is.

Next stop was skegness for a bit of a break and we can forget the good old chippy for that bit of grease intake cant beat it. Then of to a place called scamblesby and after a few wrong turnes and the help of a taxi driver parked up at the side of the road we got there in the end the pub used to be run by roger marshall x road racer and used to be called The marshall arms now run by different people the pub is called The green man the pub is in a very nice small village not far from cadwell park racing circuit. A drink there then headed back home. Think we set of about 1.30pm and got back about think it was about 11pm something like that with just enough petrol in reserve tank to see us home fewwwwww.

A good day out and was good to see where one of biffs haunts was. :headbang:
Sounds like it was a fun day out Saxon747. Sometimes it's good to get out and about a bit rather than spending loads of time in pub or movies or at concerts, which is what I seem to do most of my free time. The 3 most important things in my life.
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
... in pub or movies or at concerts, which is what I seem to do most of my free time. The 3 most important things in my life.

Seems to me like you have your prioritys in order there! no bad thing!!
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
LOL well if you want it in the correct order Valanx it would have to be CONCERTS, PUBS AND THEN THE MOVIES!!!!. These are the only things I live for!!!!

Hell Yeah!!! Metal, Beer, Movies and of course "Sex", which i can tell you also belongs on that list! I only hope one day you can find that out for yourself princeless :p

Now some people live for the internet, and lets think about that, they have a point, the net can provide all who know where to look, free movies and free music and in some cases it can provide sex (as my poor mate found out last week when his GF ran off with a guy from canada!) however until i find a way that i can download unlimited free alcohol from some virtual pub then the internet stays off my list of favourite things!

Damn this alcohol free internet 0.0% :yell: !!!!!!
valanx said:
"Sex", which i can tell you also belongs on that list! I only hope one day you can find that out for yourself princeless :p

Sex..........hmm what's that again, it's been that long that I can hardly remember what its all about!!!!! Yeah but you're right I need to find myself a boyfriend pronto style before it starts to SCAB OVER, if you catch my drift!!!!!! Well you never know what might happen next Sunday cos that's when I'm away to see BLACKFOOT with my 2 pals and this will be the first time I've ever done a Meet Up cos I joined a Blackfoot group few days ago and there's a couple of males from Glasgow going to see Blackfoot at The Ferry, so arrangements are being made to meet up with them before the gig. With any luck they'll be a couple of longhaired rock gods and we can have a couple of pregig drinks with them (or maybe even a pregig shag with them if they're tasty). But knowing my luck, they'll probably be a couple of 45 year old ageing hippies who are well past their sell by date!!!!!!
valanx said:
Now some people live for the internet, and lets think about that, they have a point, the net can provide all who know where to look, free movies and free music and in some cases it can provide sex (as my poor mate found out last week when his GF ran off with a guy from canada!) however until i find a way that i can download unlimited free alcohol from some virtual pub then the internet stays off my list of favourite things!

Damn this alcohol free internet 0.0% :yell: !!!!!!

Virtual Pint >>>>>
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
Sex..........hmm what's that again, it's been that long that I can hardly remember what its all about!!!!! Yeah but you're right I need to find myself a boyfriend pronto style before it starts to SCAB OVER, if you catch my drift!!!!!! Well you never know what might happen next Sunday cos that's when I'm away to see BLACKFOOT with my 2 pals and this will be the first time I've ever done a Meet Up cos I joined a Blackfoot group few days ago and there's a couple of males from Glasgow going to see Blackfoot at The Ferry, so arrangements are being made to meet up with them before the gig. With any luck they'll be a couple of longhaired rock gods and we can have a couple of pregig drinks with them (or maybe even a pregig shag with them if they're tasty). But knowing my luck, they'll probably be a couple of 45 year old ageing hippies who are well past their sell by date!!!!!!

lol, well i wish you the best of luck and i hope the gig is a good one!
The new "stalking Biff"-thread! haha I laughed so hard at that!! :)

btw, does anyone know where quinny lives :loco: