Big 4 superstars


Feb 18, 2002
St. Petersburg, FL
OK looking for everybody's opinion on who shined the most on their respective instrument in the movie, fav band aside. Here's mine...

1. Best drummer...I would have to say Charlie. He plays the sickest shit and it seems so effortless for him, he doesn't struggle to play the most intense beats. Loved Lombardo though too, so great but I'm going with Chuck.

2. Best guitarist...I don't know his name because I don't follow Megadeth much anymore but the guy playing with Dave blew me away, that guy tore it up. He's my fav of the night.

3. Best bassist...Frank is so great both with his speed and his background vocals, and insane performing the whole set. The whole package. Rob is great too, obviously a very great musician and probably the most educated bassist musically. I like his stage vibe too. Frank just ruled though, my fav of the night.

4. Best vocalist...(6er need not answer!) I thought Joey did good but even though Tom's vocals are very straight-forward non-dimentional I think he delivered with power and conviction, I FELT the hate he was portraying live, didn't seem to struggle just laid it out. Tom was my fav.

Anyway just my opinons love to hear what you all think, cheers!:D
1. Best drummer...Charlie. I don't like Shawn Drover's drumming at all, Lombardo is technically awesome, but lacks style, and Lars is just :o

2. Best guitarist...Dave Mustaine is overally the total package.

3. Best bassist...Frank because his stage presence. Trujillo is a great player, but his talent got more use in ST and Infectious grooves.

4. Best vocalist....Based on the Am I Evil performance (Tom who?;)), I'd have to say Hetfield. I know he's not what he used to be, but he's still got so much power in his voice, especially compared to the other three.