Big Fucking Earthquake

Just a couple weeks back MP and I were hustling to a train station in the rain with only one umbrella between the two of us and a random guy in a car pulled up and gave us another umbrella and drove off without a word. My coworker gave me $50 for no reason right before I went to Korea. I was running (literally) late for work and some nice elderly woman picked me up off the street and gave me a ride. Everyone who has lived here has sappy stories of random extreme kindness like that. I'd like to do what I can to give back.

Every one of these situations would have ended in rape and dumped bodies here in America. On top of that republicans would say you have it waaaaaaaay too easy, since you get 3 months off and only work part-time.

Why did you want to come back here again?
Yeah everything i've ever heard about the Japanese make them sound like the best people on earth along with Italians,people who know how to respect each other and not be absolute assholes.People are'nt like that in western cultures,they only think of themselves.
I have heard nothing but bad things about Italy unfortunately. Sure, the place is beautiful - but if you're a single young woman, prepare to be fucking gang-raped by five dudes at once. Damn near happened to two people I know.

Then again, I'm sure that kind of visceral experience could ruin an entire trip.
I actually did'nt take that into account,surprising considering i saw a doco just the other day about how Berlusconi has run soft porn on the tv other there for the past 20 or so years,at midday when we are watching Oprah or Dr.Phil,they are watching tits and ass.You're right it does'nt sound like a good place to be if you're a chick.
Japanese people are absurdly kind and peaceful, but they are also workaholics and many are a bit boring. I can't stand most Japanese pop culture, definitely not a fan of the education system or work culture, and I miss the hell out of insulated/properly heated homes. Also fruit is too expensive.

So basically I like Japanese people, but I don't like Japan all that much.

Also re: Italians, I feel fear when I see one coming, just like when I see an Arab or Middle Eastern or Mexican man.
Some italian guy got me in a fight with a middle eastern asshat guy by daring me to chat up some girl who turned out to be the second guy's bitch.

I can't imagine the italian macho culture thing being worse that it is in Muslim countries.
I don't think you guys understand how big of a problem this is. The radiation will leak and get everywhere, and the green aliens will think it's one of their own sending out a signal(because we all know radiation is green), so they will come down and look at Japan and end up coming across some weird alien raping a girl hentai, and then they will become horny and find a bunch of Japanese girls to rape(I'd watch out Krampus, unless you have some weird alien fetish) and then the aliens raping humans will call their alien friends to come over and rape and then their female leader will find out about how that all started and think that we are all rapists, so she will shrink down the earth and shove it up her pussy get green slime all over us. Yeah, we are pretty fucked
I was running (literally) late for work and some nice elderly woman picked me up off the street and gave me a ride.

When I first read that, I thought that you meant that the elderly woman literally pickup you up and slung you over her shoulder and carried you to work like a sack of rice.

I don't think you guys understand how big of a problem this is. The radiation will leak and get everywhere, and the green aliens will think it's one of their own sending out a signal(because we all know radiation is green), so they will come down and look at Japan and end up coming across some weird alien raping a girl hentai, and then they will become horny and find a bunch of Japanese girls to rape(I'd watch out Krampus, unless you have some weird alien fetish) and then the aliens raping humans will call their alien friends to come over and rape and then their female leader will find out about how that all started and think that we are all rapists, so she will shrink down the earth and shove it up her pussy get green slime all over us. Yeah, we are pretty fucked

I don't think you guys understand how big of a problem this is. The radiation will leak and get everywhere, and the green aliens will think it's one of their own sending out a signal(because we all know radiation is green), so they will come down and look at Japan and end up coming across some weird alien raping a girl hentai, and then they will become horny and find a bunch of Japanese girls to rape(I'd watch out Krampus, unless you have some weird alien fetish) and then the aliens raping humans will call their alien friends to come over and rape and then their female leader will find out about how that all started and think that we are all rapists, so she will shrink down the earth and shove it up her pussy get green slime all over us. Yeah, we are pretty fucked

Radiation...Green...Sounds legit to me!
I'm starting to think Tanaka must of blacked out drunk and stacked it on the ground thus causing an earthquake.


Hope these dudes and all the other great bands and people from Japan are hanging in there. In metal it's time to UNITE!!!
Posted this in the wrong thread earlier, but I donated $100 to the relief aid this morning.

I'm planning on doing the same. What organization did you donate to? I want to donate to something that I know is reliable and that will actually do some good. I expect that there's going to be a lot of scams out there.
I'm planning on doing the same. What organization did you donate to? I want to donate to something that I know is reliable and that will actually do some good. I expect that there's going to be a lot of scams out there.

Red Cross is a reliable bet. Stuff is set up via iTunes as well which is reputable. There are tons of scams already, no surprise.

I am donating through my school personally but most of the people I know have opted to donate via Red Cross Japan.
I think I just realized the severity of the situation in Japan... Fuck its getting scary here.
The Canadian gov wont evacuate its citizens. But, the States just announced they will, and since Canada is a spineless Guniea Pig, they will probably announce the same.