Big Fucking Earthquake

Big aftershock, epicenter Shizuoka.

I am a big baby terrified of earthquakes, I guess it's good I'm not getting this down here.

Good luck getting back to Canada. NRT is predicted to turn into a crazy mess. My mom is supposed to get here on Friday...
So with the reactors getting really messed up and more things potentially happening should I actually be acquiring some Potassium Iodide asap? After this whole situation is over I'm going to for sure anyway (who knows what the future brings) but I'd rather be safe than sorry since things have just been so crazy and who knows what will come next. How long would it take for radiation to move from Japan to the USA west coast? Judging as I'm in SF which is right in the jetstream if things got really bad I could be pretty screwed so should I be trying to get some now (would have to be online, people have already been crazy as I already said and even buying the wrong stuff with a similar name due to being blinded by fear)?

I already have medical and food/water supplies in case of an earth quake, although it's mostly just beans for protein/vitamins and super healthy chips/organic cornnut style snacks for carbs as well as protein supplements so basically if there were an earthquake i'd be farting fire until everything goes back to normal.
According to Blacklodge Fukushima is Satan's forthcoming nuclear throne...
I kind of enjoy seeing things like this where bands play on what everyone is worried about at the momment, for lack of better words.
It's amusing how people want to feel wrapped up in a disaster that occured thousands of miles away.

I can't tell if this is serious or sarcasm due to the fact that it affects the entire world? i probably can't help except by donating for some aid but it's good to know what's going on because the radiation would affect the entire world, earthquakes and tsunamis can move to other places due to chain reactions, it gives you an idea of the kind of thing that can happen you never expect and it affects the economy as well (which is obviously less of a concern than all the loss of life and destruction but still something that is happening).
This is a serious disaster that will surely go down in history. Of course people should feel wrapped up, watch the news and get involved. In the end, this earthquake moved the planet you live on from its axis by 10cm. Do you even know what that means?
Had an assembly this morning with a moment of silence for the victims and a plea for each student to donate ¥100. I felt completely disconnected emotionally from everything that was happening but it seems the block of ice around my heart has melted.

I'm donating blood tomorrow and donating about $500 on payday. I wish I could do more than just throwing blood and money into a void.
I hate Japanese people, they look weird. Earth was just sick and tired.
Lake placid? More like lake flaccid.

Either way, I've yet to donate my glorious O- blood for Japan, so I should jump on that shit.
Had an assembly this morning with a moment of silence for the victims and a plea for each student to donate ¥100. I felt completely disconnected emotionally from everything that was happening but it seems the block of ice around my heart has melted.

I'm donating blood tomorrow and donating about $500 on payday. I wish I could do more than just throwing blood and money into a void.

You get $500 for donating blood in Japan?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?:OMG:
*shrug* I feel like I owe it to Japan, the national govt has provided me with my job and I can't even tell you how many random Japanese people have just bent over backwards to make me feel welcome in Japan.

Just a couple weeks back MP and I were hustling to a train station in the rain with only one umbrella between the two of us and a random guy in a car pulled up and gave us another umbrella and drove off without a word. My coworker gave me $50 for no reason right before I went to Korea. I was running (literally) late for work and some nice elderly woman picked me up off the street and gave me a ride. Everyone who has lived here has sappy stories of random extreme kindness like that. I'd like to do what I can to give back.

but *coughcoughcough* of course I don't have FEELINGS or anything, hemhemcough.
My little Japanese lab buddy, who is a PhD candidate in biochemistry here, is a walking case study in kindness. When my apartment flooded last year, he insisted I stay with him and his wife. For a month. They bent over backwards to make me feel comfortable and they even set me up desk in a corner for my computers and books, all without a complaint or an indication that I was a burden to have for such a long period. He's definitely become one of my best friends. I am supposed to go visit him in Japan when he goes back this summer for a few months. He is from Nagano and the pictures he's showed me of the city and surrounding area are breathtaking.

Also, fucking snow monkeys.