So, I spent all day figuring out shit for my final at 7pm, and when I get home I get this lovely message about everything going straight to hell on facebook. I guess something happened and radiation spiked (not sure how high) at reactor 2 (not sure if it was 2 or 4 honestly). I'm not sure if anyone mentioned a containment breach or not - in fact I am totally behind on todays events. It may be possible everything went to shit though, so I'll see if I can figure it out.
The reason why TMI was an apt comparison was because the partial meltdown was caused by an inability to cool the fuel rods (damaged valve system). The exact reason the reactors have had problems was because it was/is a pain in the ass to cool down the fuel rods with a damaged coolant system. On top of that, there was very little radiation released, which so far has been entirely true of the situation in Japan. The main difference between the two events however is that these were hit by a god damn 9.0 and then a tsunami. Hopefully in the future they will strengthen the overall design of the cooling systems and the backup generators to power that cooling system (tsunami did a number on the diesel generators). I would figure getting hit with the 4th/5th most powerful quake to hit a civilized world would actually demonstrate the safety precautions that were taken, especially since these reactors were originally built to only withstand a 7.0.
Chernobyl was a necessary comparison because that was all the over-hyped news was talking about.
Now, I am off to figure out what the fuck happened at reactor 2
On the topic of media: Finland was overblowing the fuck out of everything from the get-go, before anything had happened to reactor 2. Der Spiegel have been making some of the most sensational statements so far - unfortunately they may have a legitimate claim now if everything at 2 is as bad as I've heard. MSNBC and that one feisty bitch that works for them have been awful. BBC has been mixed, with BBC world doing a very good job, and local BBC being terrible. I haven't seen an Al Jazeera or NHK broadcast yet. NHK is currently suffering from bad translations from what I hear, but at least they are trying. TPM has been doing a relatively good job last time I checked (around 8am). Fox is a fucking joke, and CNN... well, it depends on the anchor.