Big Fucking Earthquake

Even more frightening is that experts predict a "mega-thrust quake" in the near future for the Pacific NW region of the US. This is the worst type of earthquake were a plate slides / buckles under another and thrusts pressure of course through the top plate. If this were to happen?...hard to imagine but it would be much more catastrophic than what Japan is dealing with. Being the likelihood of initially up to a verticle 30 meter separation in land mass...and then come the after affects? WTF!

That sounds like a normal subduction zone to me (which is exactly what Japan deals with).

So... yeah.

Associated Press said:
David Applegate, a senior science adviser for earthquake and geologic hazards for the U.S. Geological Survey, said the 8.9-magnitude quake ruptured a patch of the earth's crust 150 miles long and 50 miles across.
Coming from some asshole in Nebraska.



since the reports everyone is freaking out, they're selling out of potassium iodide EVERYWHERE. i was in walgreens buying some soda and there were like 3 people in the vitamin aisle looking for it, and one of the guys was telling the other dude that my local gnc had completely sold out of it in 1 day and that people were buying another thing which contains a small amount of it as well as other things in hopes of taking megadoses of it (one of the dumbest things i've ever heard in my life).

it's kinda sad because the fear is literally driving people crazy and actually getting them to buy the wrong things that won't help them at all, could potentially hurt them and take a shitload of their money.

Idiots. Americans are conditioned to blow money on shit whenever a potential disaster looms ahead. Happens every summer here in the Midwest during tornado season. As soon as the sky darkens and the thunder starts to crack, they fucking flock to Wal-Mart. It's so goddamn annoying.
Its getting progressively scarier here. Another Tsunami, Volcano is acting up, and another explosion just happened at the Nuclear Plant ( The cause/damage/severity of it is still unclear).
Even more frightening is that experts predict a "mega-thrust quake" in the near future for the Pacific NW region of the US. This is the worst type of earthquake were a plate slides / buckles under another and thrusts pressure of course through the top plate. If this were to happen?...hard to imagine but it would be much more catastrophic than what Japan is dealing with. Being the likelihood of initially up to a verticle 30 meter separation in land mass...and then come the after affects? WTF!

yeah brah, probably will happen the same day yellowstone blows up
The "activity" at the volcano is just some soviet spacecraft......and crater gunz...

Shinmoedake has been gurgling and spewing ash all over Kagoshima (two prefectures south of Fukuoka) for a while.

So are Americans panicking about nuclear holocaust now? I haven't been following the news. I don't need to, since everyone on FB and Twitter and this thread is just regurgitating everything that has been reported by any source ever no matter how credible/phony.

And yes, having an emergency kit is always a good idea no matter where you are.
Thing that annoys me about the whole nuclear plant thing is that every bit of news is so "OMG IT IS NOT CHERNOBYL!!!!111". I don't want to hear about all the ways that this is different from chernobyl or how this could never be like chernobyl I just want to know about the fucking japanese plant.
So lets say the worst possible outcome for the Nuclear plant did see the light of day, how bad would the radiation and all of that be, concerning the rest of Japan? how much radiation could somebody in the south get, for example?