Big Fucking Earthquake

Earthquakes happen everyday everywhere. Some are just immeasurable because they are so small.

Anyway, it really sucks that the power plant exploded. Let's hope it's not Chernobyl again :(

The plants have been shutdown for well over 24hours now, but that doesn't mean the residual radiation decay isn't producing heat. They've been having problems cooling the plant, both the diesel generators are damaged at plant number 1 and the method of delivering the water to the rods seems to be down.

Last I heard they tried to cool it using hydrogen, but something went wrong which was why the plant had an explosion last night.

I haven't heard any updates since 1:30am, so I hope I'm not in for a nasty surprise :(. Before I was told that there wouldn't be a problem because of the containment shells which could double as a sarcophagus if needed to in a last ditch effort - but each country has different regulations for construction, and although I've heard that Japan and America have similar containment designs, I have no way to check. I was also told that if anything were to leak, it would be similar to the three mile island incident, which did not have a large environmental impact or a large impact on the human population (it was no where near Chernobyl status). Now though? I have no idea. The top nuclear scientist of Finland was absolutely freaking the fuck out and declaring that it would be worse than Chernobyl, but everyone else has said that cannot physically happen. Hell, I know Chernobyl exploded due to bypassing every safety protocol - this is something that the Japanese wouldn't fault on (the fact is they take these types of things very seriously). The thing is though, plant 1 (the oldest plant that also had an explosion) was made 7 years before the Chernobyl plant, and I have no idea how hard/easy it is to upgrade those sons of bitches.
Yeah, I saw that on SA and on Openbook. It's fucking shameful.

Apparently the fuel rods are totally in good condition and Japan is currently flooding those bitches with sea-water. The explosion was caused by the hydrogen, and although the seawater is cooling the rods, it's not a permanent solution. At least it's contained so far (according the the head Japanese nuclear scientist as reported by the BBC live stream).
I can't fucking believe people are actually saying shit like that on Facebook. Not only is it completely irrational and asinine anyway, but it's as though everyone just forgot we dropped a fucking nuclear bomb on them.
Fuck, we dropped two on them. And it's not like Japan has been an ally of ours for decades, or been helping our economy or buying our debt!

"But they didn't send anyone to help us when 9/11 happened!" Uh, yes they did - in fact most countries did. They only pulled out of our country when Bush started opening his fucking mouth about going to war.

What the fuck is wrong with these people?
The plants have been shutdown for well over 24hours now, but that doesn't mean the residual radiation decay isn't producing heat. They've been having problems cooling the plant, both the diesel generators are damaged at plant number 1 and the method of delivering the water to the rods seems to be down.

Last I heard they tried to cool it using hydrogen, but something went wrong which was why the plant had an explosion last night.

I haven't heard any updates since 1:30am, so I hope I'm not in for a nasty surprise :(. Before I was told that there wouldn't be a problem because of the containment shells which could double as a sarcophagus if needed to in a last ditch effort - but each country has different regulations for construction, and although I've heard that Japan and America have similar containment designs, I have no way to check. I was also told that if anything were to leak, it would be similar to the three mile island incident, which did not have a large environmental impact or a large impact on the human population (it was no where near Chernobyl status). Now though? I have no idea. The top nuclear scientist of Finland was absolutely freaking the fuck out and declaring that it would be worse than Chernobyl, but everyone else has said that cannot physically happen. Hell, I know Chernobyl exploded due to bypassing every safety protocol - this is something that the Japanese wouldn't fault on (the fact is they take these types of things very seriously). The thing is though, plant 1 (the oldest plant that also had an explosion) was made 7 years before the Chernobyl plant, and I have no idea how hard/easy it is to upgrade those sons of bitches.

I'm not dissing you or anything but are you familiar with the designs of the nuclear powerplants you describe? I haven't looked up the japanese one (yet) but the one at Chernobyl had control rods which caused more reactions to occur initially. I think that's why it blew up. Now I don't think there are any RBMK reactors in japan.
I am trying to send as much positive energy as possible to Japan. This is some pretty fucked up shit for sure. Hard not to get caught up in it. If the world has been waiting for a reality check this is one if I ever saw one.

I heard (on coast to coast am radio from last night) that there may have been some fallout or leakage occur already and that the jetstream may be sending radiation towards the western USA, Alaska, and more. I am not sure if this is just paranoia, conspiracy theory, or what but I would encourage people to start preparing. I know I have been thinking about it.

It would be wise to not panic and try to find out as much info as possible. If possible try to stay sane at the same time. Don't take my word of it and I wouldn't say trust the media 100% either.

What a nice fucking day!!
I can't fucking believe people are actually saying shit like that on Facebook. Not only is it completely irrational and asinine anyway, but it's as though everyone just forgot we dropped a fucking nuclear bomb on them.

Fuck, we dropped two on them. And it's not like Japan has been an ally of ours for decades, or been helping our economy or buying our debt!

"But they didn't send anyone to help us when 9/11 happened!" Uh, yes they did - in fact most countries did. They only pulled out of our country when Bush started opening his fucking mouth about going to war.

What the fuck is wrong with these people?

Like I said, we wanted the Japanese to attack us. It gave us an opportunity to enter the war and a target to bomb with our newly developed nuclear weapon.
This is one conspiracy theory that I buy into:
Pessimism are you just listening to live feed 24/7?

Yes. Al Jazeera, BBC, NHK, anything I can find. I've been gleaming information from as many sources as I can, and the disconnect between some of them is agonizing.

I'm not dissing you or anything but are you familiar with the designs of the nuclear powerplants you describe? I haven't looked up the japanese one (yet) but the one at Chernobyl had control rods which caused more reactions to occur initially. I think that's why it blew up. Now I don't think there are any RBMK reactors in japan.

I've been learning about the internal construction of nuclear power plants from several people (both certified and training to be certified) since this shit began. It's definitely a lot to take in. Most reports I have been following have come straight out of the Japanese physicists mouths, and reading on some of their protocols. Like I said previously though, there are a lot of people coming out and saying things that counter the Japanese statements - the Finns for one are all riled up, and both MSNBC and Fox are so erroneous in their reporting that it's just wrong. I for one have no idea why they are trying to make such a big deal out of the reactors (they are definitely important don't get me wrong) when the scientists have been nothing but honest with the populace so far. I think it stems from people not really understanding what a meltdown actually entails - people only have this vague terrifying idea of what it has been portrayed as. And of course, the ever occurring thought of Chernobyl also reinforces these idea - even though the situation is entirely different. But fuck, there is a refinery burning itself out and spewing some of the most terrible shit into the air right now and talk about it seems to have disappeared.

Anyway, what I was told was the Chernobyl design was pretty different structurally (design wise there were some similarities, but it was no where near up to safety regulations). It was also stressed to me that the Japanese designs are very close to the American designs - after all, we share a lot of stuff in this regard. And then of course, since it was built in the 70's, I'm sure the Japanese have made some additions to the design to keep it up to par with the other newer plants. The fact that a fucking 9.0 earthquake and a tsunami prove this. Hell, the only reason these problems are occurring is because the cooling systems have gone down - and getting them back up in the problem.

The below video will actually tell you exactly how Chernobyl went up, and how everything else works, so that should clear everything up (tldw: Graphite is a bitch)

And of course, links (some are design based, others are discussing the current situation - these still give light to the reactor designs though):

And for shits and giggles, the intro faq to radiation:
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Also, FUCKING GERMANY. They are freaking out about nuclear power now, thanks a lot bullshit news sources. Theyhad a massive hand-holding protest against nuclear power... God damn fear mongering.
This is a harsh thing to say but I think some elements of the political left in Germany are particularly unintelligent.