" BIG " Guitars...How do you do it?

I do agree with Skinny Viking, you shouldn't come here wawing a flag "I just pirated some software but can't use it, halp". We have in general pretty negative behaviour towards piracy. And calling people asshole (several times) doesn't make you look any better. If you do it, keep that information private. [/offtopic]

I fully agree...


Good day gentlemen
Cundalini, your software is pirated. Even if your friend bought it, Waves doesn't have anything in their policy about giving a copy away. It's stolen, it's useless in a fool's hands, it's disrespectful, and you'll never amount to jack shit in the recording realm.

You'll get touchy about this post and try to respond with something clever, but it's impossible to hurt my feelings. You aren't fooling anyone. Have fun with your stolen software, idiot.
I could be a dick and yell at you for being a pirate, but we all have to start somewhere, and I sure as hell found it easier to progress quicker with better plugins.

Now, on topic:
For big guitars, or big anything, it seems like the key is not to process stuff too much.
Work on getting great raw recordings and the mixing process is that much easier because of it.
I heard it a million times and never took it on board until recently. But 15 extra minutes of yelling at your guitar cab and your SM57 is definately better than 3 hours of eq'ing guitars to sound decent raw before you even try and make them work in the mix.
If you lack a good guitar amp. Like if you have an MG or a Line 6 Spider or something that, one way or another, sounds like your dead hamster could have shit out, then go for something in the vst amp modelling domain.
There's SoloC, Wagner, Dirthead, 7170... Then there's Revalver, which sounds utterly fantastic, and there's many a person on this forum that gets away with using just the demo, myself included, as the hiss isn't really audible in a dense metal mix. It gives you time to do some mixes with it and make money to pay for it or whatever.
Personally, I found it much harder micing a real cab with a real mic and a real amp, but I'm all the more inspired to go back and start micing cabs again now that I've done some mixes using Revalver.
Revalver to me is like Windows Vs Linux.
This analogy will probs suck a bit, but hear me out.
Revalver is kinda, a simplified version that 90% of people can use that can still wield fucking FANTASTIC results, it's just a bit easier to coax workable results out of it in the first place, but it's potential is ultimately a bit limited.
Real amps, through real cabs, miced up with real mics going into real pres is your Linux, harder to get into, even harder to get good results from, but the sky is the limit.
Starting with Windows may want to make you move up to Linux, just maybe.

Although, 90% of Linux's userbase seem to be pretty fucking up themselves because "OMG GUYS LINUX OWNZ EVERYTHING ELSE OMGAWD!" but that's besides the fucking point! Haa.

Anyway, second, for teh BIG GUITAR TONEZ, mix bass guitar higher then you may think, and take some bass out of the guitar.
Cundalini, your software is pirated. Even if your friend bought it, Waves doesn't have anything in their policy about giving a copy away. It's stolen, it's useless in a fool's hands, it's disrespectful, and you'll never amount to jack shit in the recording realm.

You'll get touchy about this post and try to respond with something clever, but it's impossible to hurt my feelings. You aren't fooling anyone. Have fun with your stolen software, idiot.

pirate, whatever. on topic

As all have said, the secret to a big guitar sound is not the guitar, it´s the bass amigo! Free up some space in the audio spectrum for that bass to shine, for metalcore stuff Killswitch engage is definitely a good example, In flames also has some really powerfull bass that makes the overall sound really heavy and "huge" like you want. Now of course, this doesn´t mean you shouldn´t take care of the guitars, xrateddodo explained that part pretty well, just make sure you give some space for bass in the Eq, let the bass have a part of the low mids, which frequencies exactly will depend on what bass/guitar/amp/mic/taste/lipstick color/underwear your using.

Oh and skinny viking will so kick your ass for saying that
What's with this pirate bashing thing?
C'mon people, it's his life.

If there were a few people from Waves here, yeh, that'd be understandable.

People who save up their hard earned money for months to buy high quality software, and be legit about it, tend to get a bit pissy when some jerk just pirates it and then gives them attitude about it.
To the poster of the comment 2 up:

It's just a matter of legitimacy. It's like this. Would you want a person to hear one of your riffs and think to themselves "hmm, thats great. I think I'll put it in a song on my new album" and just steal it from you to use and make money off of? Thats basically what the waves developers are putting up with from all of the pirates stealing their stuff, recording bands, and making profit. Would you steal a guitar? Would you steal a car just because it may perform better than the one you were given by granny(a.k.a. free vst's)? What about everyone else on here who actually bought the stuff and you stole it. Paying customers is what allows these companys to continue putting out quality plugins.

On that note, i can't say I haven't pirated something or other (I don't think many of us can) but if it is anything that I am potentially making money off of, I do it in a legit manner.
Is this guy really making money out of it? If he was in the position of making money out of pirated stuff I believe he wouldn't have asked ¯\(o_0)/¯ How Do Get Big Guitar in the first place.